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Hey guys, hope you're having a good weekend. We're on the edge of June, just over halfway through the year, and. while the outside world is turning into a garbage dumpster, I'm hoping you're all staying safe in one way or another.

As far as things go for the Patreon page, I apologize if the audio ends up being a little late. I'm still waiting on audio from one of the VAs, and they had to step away for a bit.I'm hoping to be a little better regarding the sound effects when I start the editing of course. Please be patient with this, as I assure you that these will be released.

As for the poll to determine the next audio, I'm going to hold off on that until 9Dress goes live. I was considering skipping voting and just going to a sequel, but I decided that it should still be up to you guys if you would want it so soon. I'm also considering a bonus audio, though I admit this one is more for my personal interests.

Speaking of audio, we're inching ever closer to the next goal, where the audio projects will be given a public release. Currently, the plan is to release the audios monthly through Pornhub, though the second we reach the goal is going to determine when they'll release. For example, Daddy Jeralt will count as an April release (Even though it came out in March), so if the goal is reached in June, that will be the month I start posting them. So by that rate, the audios should be shown to the public two months after they've seen some time on Patreon.

As an aside, I did try to post the previews on Xvideos.com, which is my preferred site due to its aesthetic and layout, but that actually requires some ID for posting. PH does the same for monetizing videos rather than posting it in general, but I honestly don't think I need to do that.

I'm still not sure what the next goal will be, unfortunately. I'm not sure what else just yet I could offer, but I'm open to any suggestions. Feel free to leave one in the comments if you can.

Lastly, I want to remind you guys that Patreon is going to be taxing certain digital goods on the platform starting in July. I'm still trying to figure out how this will effect things myself, hoping it makes more sense when we get closer to that time. Again, this is out of the site's control, they have to do this. Hopefully this won't end up effecting your contributions too much, but we'll have to see when we get closer to that.

I think that's going to cover everything for now, gang. Take care, stay safe, and have a healthy summer!


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