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Hearing about the new café in town didn’t truly pique your interest until you heard the theme, Cowgirls, and not the normal jean short, Stetson kind either. The café was themed around large-breasted bovine women. You went there almost immediately after receiving this information and sure enough, all the staff seemed to have massive bosoms, what was strange however, was it almost seemed like they were actually some kind of bovine hybrid instead of just wearing a costume.

As you gazed at the women, a sign caught your eye. “Help Wanted” was displayed on an orange background. You were currently between jobs and had experience in cooking, plus you could only imagine being surrounded by these busty ladies all day and getting paid for it. You asked the nearest waitress for the manager and probably would’ve seen the look of disgust in her eyes had you actually looked up from her chest.

The manager gave you an interview on the spot and she seemed to even be flirting with you. She pushed a contract over to you and gave a sultry smile. Signing the contract, the manager smiled, “I always need more waitresses,” she cackled. Confusion led to fear as two sets of arms seized you from behind and stuck a needle in your neck. Heat overwhelmed your body as it felt like you were melting.

You could feel your entire body shrink as your waist and shoulders narrowed. Your hips and thighs are filled with the fat from your gut. Hair fell into your sight as hard bumps appeared beneath your scalp. You grabbed at your ears as you felt them elongate and grow fur. Your chest started to itch which led you to tearing off your shirt. Your nipples were enormous and appeared to keep growing. Fat bubbled beneath them as your new breasts grew and grew stopping at a large size but well below the other staff members.

The manager pulled you through another door and threw you onto a small bed. She ripped your pants away, revealing a dripping pussy ready to receive a meaty cock. The manager solved this by pulling down her skirt, revealing an erect penis. “Women don’t lactate without a need you know?” She shoved it deep inside you and your mind melted with absolute pleasure. She kept thrusting into your crotch until she came deep inside you and you could feel your womb get coated with her semen.

Rolling off you, panting, she told you to come back once you had her kid and you’d get the job. Your mind was racked with too much pleasure to understand what just happened to you. You had been turned into not only a woman but a woman who was part cow, and then you had been impregnated by the very woman who hired you.

You stumbled back home with one hand on your new uniform, and the other on your stomach. Sure enough, over the next few months, your belly grew and stretched as the baby inside formed. Thankfully you didn't have to worry about money as the manager kept giving you enough to live comfortably. The day eventually came and you gave birth to a small girl and began to breastfeed her.

Three months later your maternity leave ended, so you returned to the café. It was a year in the making but you finally got the job at the café, albeit much differently than you expected. You asked your coworkers about what happened and it turned out they all had the same thing go on with quite a few of them previously male like you.

It turns out being forced to have a child to have a job was something that very few could relate to outside your workplace, that’s why after the first year there, you married another one of the waitresses. You both ended up raising your kids together as a loving lesbian couple. You sat in bed with your wife looking at her sleeping and the crib at the foot of your bed containing your two daughters who you loved more than yourself. If you could go back to that fateful day you went to the café and take it all back, you wouldn't.


Picture by IllustOgre (https://twitter.com/IllustOgre/status/1741403641863721099)



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