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You awoke in the woods on the cold dirt. Where were you, the last thing you remember was a bright light and then nothing. Standing up, you wander around the woods you found yourself in for a few hours until you see a light in the distance opposite the sunrise. You headed towards it in the hope of finding help or at least an explanation.

Before you stood a bakery, one of the most impressive ones you've seen before. The hours showed it wasn't quite open yet but you knocked anyway. You were surprised when a woman in strangely ornate clothing opened the door. She had an odd whimsical presence. “You’re not of this world are you?” she asks inquisitively. She beckons you inside and offers you tea which you gladly accept and sip as you explain what happened to you.

“The prophecy is true,” she states to no one in particular “You are the hero from another realm meant to slay the witch!” Confused, you go to ask more questions when a force seizes your body. “I can’t have you killing me and thankfully I’m the only person you've met. I was hesitant about transforming you but now I have no choice.” Your eyes dart around in fear, as your body is completely immobilized. “I needed more ingredients anyways,” the apparent witch says as her eyes begin to glow.

“Flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and milk,” is all you hear as heat and terror overcome your body. Your fingers and toes begin to swell rapidly and harden, you watch in horror as the witch pulls them from your body and puts the eggs into a carton.

Your legs fuse together into a single mass as your clothes turn to burlap. You can feel your legs breaking down inside the bag as she hefts your entire bottom half off and you see her carry a sack labeled sugar to the side.

You didn't think you could be any more panicked but then your chest heats up as breasts begin to form on your chest. You can feel liquid sloshing inside them but that quickly changes as your skin hardens into glass and the witch removes two bottles full of milk off your torso.

Your arms follow your legs and merge into your torso until you have nothing but a head propped on top of a sack nearly identical to your former legs except this time it's marked flour.

She picks up your head and starts to mold it, you can taste butter the more she shapes you. She begins to whistle as you begin to regain feeling in your now shattered body. She begins to mix what was once your body together in a large bowl. You feel your legs mingle with your head, your fingers and toes blend with your altered breasts, and your mind-melds with your torso. Under the blades, your body becomes a homogenous batter.

You are poured into two pans and placed in an oven. You feel yourself rise under the heat as air puffs your strange new anatomy. Once you are removed from the heat, the witch spreads cold icing over your warm form. “You’re absolutely lovely,” she remarks as she holds you up to a mirror. You would scream if you had a mouth as before you are a vanilla cake adorned by strawberries. She places you in the window surrounded by cakes and other various pastries, you shudder under the realization these are probably other people, just as aware as you. She flips the closed sign and opens the bakery to the public.

You watch dreadfully as people of the town go about their day, blissfully unaware of the horrors happening in the bakery. A bell chimes as an elf woman enters the store. The witch greets her and offers you, to your dismay, a slice of freshly baked cake. You wish you could escape as a large knife slices into your soft form, expecting pain, you are greeted by… pleasure?

Your mind is blasted with ecstasy as the elf digs into your body with a fork. Piece by piece your body turned confection is consumed and melted into her being, becoming part of her features. The lady leaves and you feel your mind split between her fat and the rest of your sugary exterior. This process repeats throughout the day until your consciousness is attached to the curves of many women throughout the town.

You would've been upset at your fate had you any brain capacity left. Your mind was essentially mush from overstimulation as even the slightest giggle from any of your various parts caused a near orgasm. The day came to a close and as one of your hosts walked by the bakery, you saw the witch inviting another young man into the shop.


Picture by @u_nanamiii (https://twitter.com/u_nanamiii/status/1737113047540675025)



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