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 Humans are naturally forgetful, that's just the way we are wired and you were not an exception. So when a blonde ran up to you shouting about forgetting her boyfriend's birthday you were inclined to help her however you could. No one could have predicted what she was really asking from you so you were thoroughly confused when light poured from her hands, engulfing your entirety.

 The light churned in front of you before it began its assault, entering your body using every orifice it could find. It permeated through your pores, changing your being to its will. Slowly, your body lost all of its hair, both vellus and terminal alike until you were completely bald. The next step took form as your skin took on a pinker complexion as well as a more glossy sheen. The rubbery texture penetrated deeper into your body, converting more and more of you into a solid block of it. Your knees buckled as your bones were turned to gum elastic, losing any structure.

 You stared up at the girl from the floor, unable to move without muscle or nerves. She smiled back at you as your body began to shrink, your mouth beginning to stretch. Your mouth became wider and wider, and your lips changed to the same material as the rest of your body before they flattened out. Your teeth receded into your gums and your tongue merged with the bottom of your mouth and morphed into a strange bulb. Soon, your entire face was consumed by your growing mouth until all that was left of your head was a strange-shaped hole.

 Your arms and legs retracted into your body as it became a round cylinder of whatever material you were now comprised of. Your ass spread wider as it lost its tightness. You felt it connect to your mouth through your body in a single straight line.

 The light subsided, leaving you entirely immobile on the ground. The blonde bent over and plucked your body up from the ground, ignorant to your protests as she slipped you into your bag. You sat in the darkness for what felt like hours before the light appeared again as she plucked you from the dark depths. "Happy birthday, babe!" She giggled as she presented you to a man. "A fleshlight? Babe, you shouldn't have," he replied to her endearingly. "Let's test it out shall we?" She said while grabbing his arm and skipping into the bedroom.

 "Fleshlight? What did he mean by that?" You thought in a fit of panic. What did that girl do to you? Your answer was not presented with words but rather by a glimpse at the mirror which revealed a sex toy in the hands of the woman, exactly where your vision was coming from. You panicked over this realization but were helpless as the man pulled his pants down, already erect. The blonde poured some slippery substance into your repurposed mouth and spun you towards her man's dick.

 You could only remember what happened in flashes as she plunged your body around the awaiting cock of her boyfriend, pumping you so furiously you knew the lube she slathered on you prevented a friction burn. The feeling of the penis inside your mouth, traveling down your rubberized tube, and out your reconstituted ass sent shocks through your entire body. Soon the man was grunting as she continued to rub you on him and you felt the telltale spasm as filled your body with his warm, sticky semen. She dropped you onto the bed, dazed and disgusted as her boyfriend sat back, relaxed. "This is the best gift ever babe," he told her, "I'll make sure to use it every night."


Picture by frfr



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