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You finally reached level 20 with your paladin as your weekly Dungeons & Dragons game came to an end. You took your final sacred oath feature to Sune, Goddess of Love and Beauty, and told your party members and DM goodbye for the week before running to the bathroom before the long drive home.

You entered the bathroom, locking it behind you. You were about to use the toilet when a bright light blasted out from the mirror. You stumbled back, blinded, and covered your eyes. When the light finally simmered down, you glanced in the mirror and were shocked to see the most attractive woman you ever saw. She giggled as she majestically floated from the mirror. "Greetings mortal, I am Sune, the goddess you took your oath to and I've come to reward you for your devotion."

You wanted to respond but you found yourself unable as a blast of energy erupted from Sune's hands, hitting you in the chest. You felt your body start to change and morph at the magic's whim. You watched as your body shrank to a diminutive 5 feet. Your face was reshaped to a more feminine appearance as your limbs became dainty. Breasts erupted from behind your enlarged nipples, rubbing against your shirt, sending you into an orgasmic fit. You fell to your ass only to find it significantly larger than it was originally. Looking down a your body, you saw a woman almost as attractive as the goddess in the mirror.

"You turned out great! But your reward isn't ready yet!" She giggled and shot another burst of light at you. This one hit your core and immediately your limbs began to heat up. You watched in fear as they began to recede into your body until you were only the torso and head of a bombshell and an enormous, erect cock. A purple splotch appeared on your skin and began to spread across your skin. Every inch it overtook became a rubbery, slick material until your entire body converted to the same stuff. As it reached your dick, you blew your load, spewing an unreal amount of cum all over the restroom. Every second of your mind-blowing orgasm made your penis shrink an inch until it inverted into a tight slit made of the strange, purple substance. Your face and elongated hair took on a plastic sheen until you were undeniably a single material, through and through.

"Excellent, now you can have sex whenever you want!" She said as if you wanted this, "I want to say once again, thank you for your faith in me!" and then white light took over your vision when she flicked her wrist.

You felt yourself falling until you landed on a soft surface. A preliminary glance revealed you were in a bedroom that belonged to a nerd. Posters of various pop culture lined the walls and figurines stood at attention in a case. You tried to move but to no avail. Then the door to the room opened and in walked the nerd in question, the DM. He saw you but didn't seem surprised, however it's not like you were in a recognizable form.

He began to undress and you were shocked to see how hung he was. He climbed into the bed and began to mount you, thrusting into your fake vagina. Pleasure racked your mind over and over until you felt his hands grope your jelly-like tits. You felt him finish as your insides filled with his seed. He tired and rolled off you. Suddenly, Sune reappeared and chuckled as she hit him with a burst of energy. Suddenly his cock grew by almost a foot and his refractory period became non-existent. He remounted you and pumped into your hole with renewed vigor. He lasted almost 10 minutes but it felt like an eternity. You felt him spasm again and begin to cum inside you except he didn't stop. He kept shooting impossibly large loads into you until you could feel it start to collect in your gut until you looked 6 months pregnant. He kept going, putting gallons of semen in your rubber until eventually, it started to burst out of your mouth like a fountain until he fell asleep from exhaustion.

You lay next to him, basking in the afterglow of being filled to the brim with his seed until it flowed from your orifices. Each drop that left your body took a bit of your mind with it until the only thought that remained was the need to be stuffed full again.


Picture by モンスター工場



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