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 "Dude! I already told you I don't want you to cast magic on me!" You shouted at your friend wielding the remote you both found at a yard sale. "Come on! It'll be fun!" He retorted while aiming it at you. "NO! I don't want to end up like John!" you said as you glanced at the pair of frilly, pink panties lying on the ground that contained John's mind. "I'll turn him back once I figure out how to, but until then this one says "COSPLAY", how could that be bad?" He said and blasted you with the remote before you could refuse again.

 You felt the power of the remote rush over you and begin to change your clothes. Your shirt and pants knitted together to form a white romper, showing off too much leg for you to be comfortable with. A strange contraption appeared atop your rapidly lightening hair. A generous amount of blush and other makeup caked your face.

 "You're dressed like a girl!" Your friend laughed with you absolutely steaming with rage. "That could have been a lot worse! You need to b- what the hell is happening to my voice!" you shrieked as your Adam's apple began to shrink to nothingness. Your facial features sharpened, leaving you with a feminine shape as your eyes widened and blued, complimenting your long, blonde hair.

 "Holy Hell! You're actually turning into a girl!" He shouted in delight as your body gained curves. Fat spilled from your chest into the large space in the front of your shirt until it was taut. Your hips and ass began to inflate as well until they were impossible to hide. "You turned into Arnval!" he shouted in joy as he undressed you with his eyes.

 "I don't know who that is! Turn me back!" You screamed as you lunged for the remote. He simply held it above his head, out of your reach as you were now a mere five foot. "Chill out bro, it's not that serious, now what does this one do." He chuckled as he blasted you again. You felt yourself begin to shrink even more.

 "What now!?" You said defeatedly as you watched your surroundings grow until you were only about six inches. Your skin began to harden as your knees and elbows reshaped to simple knuckle joints. Large holes appeared along your body which were quickly filled in with screws. You were still able to move albeit with difficulty. "This thing is amazing!" Your tormentor exclaimed as he grabbed your small form, "You're a living figurine!"

 You wanted to shout at him but the simple act of being picked up left you breathless with pleasure. "P-p-put me down!" You pouted cutely much to your dismay. "Sounds like you are enjoying this, maybe I'll keep you this way," he told you sinisterly before putting you in a glass case. "In the meantime, I'm gonna go find more test subjects," he laughed as he left the room.


Picture by dd



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