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 "I bore of this," the malevolent king said as you stood in front of him. He pointed to his court wizard. "Make him more entertaining! Do the thing I like." The wizard looked at you with a glow in his eyes. He pointed his staff at you and a wave of pink blasted out, overtaking your form.

 You're body was enveloped by the light and began to change. Your clothes dissolved, leaving you completely naked. Your somewhat muscular body began to shrink until you were a mere five feet. Breasts erupted from your now smooth, hairless chest. You went to cover your nakedness with your delicate hands only to find a lack of genitals or at least the male variant. A breeze blew through the throne room, making your enlarged nipples stiff.

 Before the king stood a naked, busty woman shaking from fear and the cold. You realized it wasn't over when the wizard hit you again with a different spell and you began to shake. Slowly, you watched your limbs begin to double until eventually a large part of you broke off, leaving two of the exact same girl with your mind split between them. You stared at yourself in more shock than you thought possible before a third spell hit one of your bodies.

 Your breasts rapidly deflated until they were your original flatness minus the muscle you built up over the years. Your new clit began to enlarge and extend until you were left with an enormous cock, ready to blow from the lightest touch. You expected yourself to continue becoming male again but were disappointed when the changes stopped, leaving you as an effeminate male. Just looking at your female form almost made you ejaculate but moments later, you felt a fourth and final blast hit you.

 Your minds, both of them, started to boil with arousal. You couldn't help yourself and grab one another. You stuffed your erect shaft into your damp pussy and began to thrust. You felt the pleasure of both penetrating and being penetrated as well as the feeling of your own seed entering your body. You continued in front of the king until eventually, he stated in a booming voice, "Send him? her? them to my quarters and bring in the next petitioner." You kept touching yourself the entire way as the guards escorted you to the king's bedroom.


Picture by Genmon



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