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"Did it work?" you're girlfriend asked the skimpy, black thong containing your consciousness. She took your lack of reply as a yes and began to slip you on. You could feel your fabric stretch over her thighs and massive ass until you were snug. Your face, or what would be your face had you still possessed one, was wedged into her ass while the rest of your body wrapped around, entering her sex.

You were still a bit surprised that she agreed to this after you proved the spellbook you found was real by increasing the size of her already generous rear. Now that you encompassed her enlarged posterior, you were glad you made it bigger because the warmth and feeling of her being inside you was exquisite. Nothing could have ruined this moment, that was until "you" walked in.

Questions filled and raced through your polyester mind as to how your body was moving and who was in it. "Nope, it didn't work, Nikki, guess that spellbook isn't all that good," he told your girlfriend who believed the lingerie she was wearing did not possess your mind. How did this imposter know your girlfriend's name! Surely your girlfriend knew that that wasn't you!

"I say we test out your new asset," he chuckled before slapping Nikki's ass causing a jiggle that emanated through your body resulting in another burst of pleasure. The doppelganger grabbed you and began to pull until you were in fear that you would snap. Holding you in one hand, he began to fuck her mere inches from you. Nearly an hour passed before they collapsed in the bed, leaving you discarded in a heap on the floor.

Your girlfriend got up to take a shower, leaving you alone with your impersonator. He picked up your cum soaked form and gave a knowing smile. "I hope you enjoy your new form because there's no way I'm going back," he stated maliciously. "Don't worry," he smirked as he tapped his temple, "Thanks to the book, no one will notice a difference, I have all your memories up here." He chuckled and tossed you into the hamper in the corner of the room.


Picture by reddi



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