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So a few people have commented -- and I've received a few private notes to this effect -- that the weights in the most recent chapter for Alice, Jen, and Laurie seem off.  In the original draft for this chapter, I had written the girls at 420 lbs, 433 lbs and 430 lbs respectively -- but I later bumped them down because I was worried that they were gaining way to fast to make the story function (Since I don't imagine any of these girls getting too much bigger than 500 by the end of the series) and I'm also bad at remembering how I've described their weights in previous chapters.

The consensus seems to be that the girls, considering what's been said in earlier chapters, should be way bigger.  I'm not against changing their weights back to the original figures, but I want to make sure that you're okay with that.  Consider:

-  Their current weights would canonically be 420 lb, 433 lb, and 430 lb in chapter 45 when I release it to the general public.  That means you guys here on Patreon would be the only ones who would ever know I retconned it!  I want to make sure that you would all be okay with that; I don't want you guys to feel like I'm cheating by changing their weights after I've posted it for you to see.

- Because I don't want them to get too much bigger, that means that their gains in future chapters would have to slow to a crawl after this.  This story would continue as planned, but at any future weigh-ins the girls would probably only gain a few pounds each time as opposed to really large numbers. 

If you're fine with this, I'll make the adjust up to the 400s.  I know that I'm really overthinking this, but I tend to take this whole silly story a little too seriously.  I do want to make sure that people can still enjoy it, so I'm always a little troubled when I goof up!

Also a few people were disappointed by the lack of Alice; I'll try to remedy that in the next chapter and be a little more Alice-centric.  I know she's got all sorts of new troubles brought on by her recent blimpage that I'd like to write about...:)

Thanks for your input!





Sounds good to me


agreed, when I read it initially at 300lb area it felt off.

Juzza Girl

The 400 range seems about right from the rate of your previous chapters, yeah. I know for me, it's the descriptions and interactions rather than the numbers that interest me, so a slow gain from here on out is fine. Especially since it sounds like cheerleading season is coming round; it'd make sense if they gained a little less.


To me the numbers basically mean nothing, it's how you describe their size that matters. Feel free to change the numbers without another broken scale event. However, the girls are reaching a limit to how big they can really get and still do things. I'm sure you will find a way to keep it exciting!


Or or another possibility is have Laurie move away from fattening Alice because one of the other girls or two challenge her authority over the cheer squad and she becomes so paranoid it's making them fatter than her so she weaves her web and soon Alice and Jen are her naive minions making sure the whole squad gets as fat as they are but also Laurie does everything to make herself look as big and intimidating as possible to keep in control. That'd be an interesting dream sequence or nightmare for Laurie


You have already described them as above 400 pounds in previous chapters. I don't know how far you have left to go in this series, and I would love to have them freak out about cresting 500 punds, and maybe more in college years should that happen. Those weights sound right to me.


As a matter of fact I would love a chapter 45+ put up here with there respective weights put right.


It think it needs to be changed to the 400 range by the way youve described them at this point, women in the low 300 range can get around just fine dress themselves, dont need scooters, and can fit in showers.


You could go higher than 500 for their peak weight too, 500 is becoming the norm ssbbw size these days, anymore it seems the more sucessful ssbbw models are 600 or close to it


Im in favour of them not being giant. Over 500. Wouldn't mind them peaking around there. Also yey for more alice. Missed her.


Why not have the next chapter be at Laurie's house with the new and super awesome scale, and it shows their true weights in the 400's?


Why not have the next chapter be at Laurie's house with the new and super awesome scale, and it shows their true weights in the 400's?

Tory Williams

Never go smaller, always go bigger. In fact I say there's no need to stop at 500, these girls are destined to be immobile eventually ^^


go bigger but set a new weight caps so other chapters wont be to much of a crawl like 520 or 540


I believe they should be bigger, but if it will cause a crawl, then maybe only increase each of them by 50 pounds instead? Just meet it half-way.


I like this idea, I imagine the school's scales weren't made for too much weight; you can possibly even make Alice the fattest of the bunch and she just weighed so much that she broke the scale.


Yeah, I've been hoping for a while now that the whole cheerleaders team would gain weight together. After this chapter, I think it would be awesome for some of them to join in on the slumber parties.


Indeed your descriptions are certainly much bigger than the figures you're quoting. I like the idea of them finding out to some degree of horror (and maybe secret horniness in Laurie's case) that they actually weigh a lot more than they previously thought. I'm totally the wrong person to ask whether they should be bigger :D Always enjoy your writing but I must admit I'm hanging in there for the more fantastical pulse racing dreams and fantasies you describe so well. I've been fantasising about Laurie having a hot wet dream nightmare where she lets her feeder side go way too far, fattening Alice until she grows out of control and pops, shocking Laurie with realisation that no matter how fat she makes the poor girl it will never seem like it's enough! :O unf! xD Maybe that's when she realises she has to stop lol.

Tory Williams

Fatter is always better~