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Laurie, Alice, and Jen just keep getting bigger and bigger... so it might not be surprising that eventually they would have to deal with some darker consequences of their size. This was a special commission from a reader who wanted to see the girls deal with some DIRE consequences of their exploding weights. WARNING!!! This story includes health issues like diabetes, breathing difficulties, heart issues, unfitness, joint pain, and implied death so please DO NOT READ if you are disturbed or triggered by those dark themes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

ALSO important, this story is noncanonical. I wouldn't want anything too bad to happen to my gals for real.

ALSO ALSO IMPORTANT: I know that this story will be too dark for many readers so I will be posting a second, more typical story later this month... for people who prefer lighter fare!



I should not have been curios about what will happen to Laurie. Now I'm a bit sad but it's ok since it's not canon. Even though Laurie gave into all seven of the deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride) she still remains a goddess ;)


I'll be honest,even though it's not canon, I left that ending ambiguous cuz I prefer to think she was just passing out. XP


Now this I have no doubt may be too far for people, but god 🥵 this really is amazing, and a great conclusion to a pretty damn creative and original mini-series. My prediction about this being very Laurie centric, and god this it deliver. It almost reminds me a bit of Lauries fantasy about her future in the main series a bit, but fleshed out to a very impressive degree. Her sheer immobility, her carelessness, and an unrelenting greed. I agree with Arragon that Laurie seems to show off every one of the deadly sins here, and even despite just how morid it gets, I can't help but feel laurie is having the best time. Can't forget Jen and Alice in this section too. Both have been great in earlier sections, and here there is no doubt they continue that. Their time at Don and their stuffing felt just as good as the main series, and their struggles only added to it. Jen's burgeoning Blood Sugar and Alice's blossoming blood pressure are both central, but other struggles are features too. It doesn't feel tired or repetitive, it feel fresh even despite how dark it is. both of their climaxes felt surprising, but also, very natural, and their time later when facing the ultimate consequence of their gain, while morbid, feels perfectly natural and still extremely hot. I'm just so surprised to see this be you're first real deep dive into health stuff Molly, and see you've gone so deep, and yet, it's come out just amazingly. I don't know if you'll touch on this again in the future, but you've knocked it out of the park here, to the point where I'd be thrilled to see more. Despite how morbid and dark their time is here, Alice and Jen relegated to their scooters and destine to follow Laurie's path of young teenage gluttons who let their gluttony get the best of their life, you make their ride feel fun and sexy. Bravo


Thank you very much! I was a bit nervous to post these stories, because I knew they would be controversial. This was a real experiment to see how far I could go. I don't know if there will be anything quite like this in the future, but it's gratifying to know that it landed right! :)


You couldn't resist giving some kind of happy ending, even if a twisted one. Was half-expecting it to end with Laurie being sent to Hell. XD


lol Laurie gets sent to hell and it turns into that Homer Simpsons Doughnut Eating scene 😂

Snow jerry

Wow... didn’t expect that! Made it much hotter, great stuff. After some lighter work, I hope you come back to stuff like this in the future :)


I'm a little shocked at how much this chapter turned me on.


What would Laurie do if she finds out that she isn't even close to the heaviest human in Guiness World Records (594.8 kg (1,311 lb 4.9 oz))? Hope we see her achieve that in the main series :P