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Laurie is gradually coming to terms with her true desire in life, to eat, to indulge, to grow... After all, she thinks, what NORMAL girl could possibly want to just eat and eat and eat, to build her body into a soft, plush, bountiful temple to exquisite hedonism? What NORMAL girl could want to do that and then also want to show off that body for the whole world to see?? Well... it seems that Laurie might just BE that girl.  Join her as she makes preparations to launch her new venture as a BBW web model and also dreams about a future just too delectable to ever be real.

On a personal note: What a time it's been! I try to keep my personal life out of this, BUT I thought I'd add a little bit of TMI information to this post just because IDK sharing a little last time helped me, maybe it'll interest you, maybe I share some of Laurie's penchant for public attention XD As you know, I had a bit of a meltdown last month. It was the usual melange of issues we all face -- the loneliness of quarantine, anger and fear at the state of the world, plus my own personal psychoses -- but the thing that especially worried me was that during that dark phase I just could NOT get horny. I don't know whether it was a symptom of my malaise or its cause, but I could not find any joy in the things that usually get me so excited. When I went to touch myself, I would get distracted or bored or tired and simply trail off. By definition, you can't miss desire when it's gone but this was a dry spell unlike any I'd faced before and it was frightening in its own way. I worried, maybe this was it. Maybe I was out of the game.  So much of my erotica is written when I'm in a frenzy myself, how could I go on writing if I didn't have the desire? Anyway, after I received kind comments from you lot last month, that really helped to pierce the fog. It wasn't instant but it did start me toward better times. I often like to think about new scenarios for stories when I lie in bed at night before I fall asleep, but lately that had simply left me dry. BUT then when it returned, it returned hard. The idea for this chapter hit me like a lightning bolt and I couldn't stop myself. Even the next morning, when I awoke, it remained with me. I had no work to do, so I slept til noon, then spent hours in bed fingering myself, too horny to function. When I finally mustered the willpower to get up, I spent the day in a sex haze -- smoking way too much weed between gorging on junk food and marathon masturbation sessions. I usually try to live a pretty mellow, responsible (I try! But my willpower is low) lifestyle, but something about this day just made me completely lose all restraint. Life is short! I guess I really got into the Laurie headspace XP  But by the end of the day, I had this chapter so solid in my head I felt like I could touch it.  I don't want to set this up as THE HOTTEST THING, it's not, it's a very workman-like chapter in my objective opinion, but something about it hit me just right when I needed it and just got me more antsy than I've been in months.  I apologize for the gory details but... maybe the behind-the-scenes scoop might make this chapter more fun for some of you, IDK XD  The important thing is I feel like things might be on the mend, brain wise at least. At least until the next meltdown! XP

As always, thanks for your support and your indulgence! :)



ahhhhhhhh! this is SO GOOD


Glad to hear everything’s A ok again “under the hood”


This was great! It's always fantastic to see the cast go down to a smaller size temporarily, so that there are belts small enough for Laurie to bust. My favourite part would have to be her waking up with a belch though. She's a total hog and too horny to even be embarrassed about it! Looking forward to chapter 100....


A lightning bolt indeed! This is an amazing chapter. It's crazy how sex and creativity are linked. I also find bouts of extreme horniness seem to coincide with inspiration, not only for writing erotica, but other types of creativity as well, especially when making music again after a dry spell. I guess it's a sign the brain is firing on all cylinders again or something like that. Very glad to hear you're on the mend.


It's funny how that works! I guess it makes sense to think horniness would be a sign that everything is working right on the inside of the ol' brain pan XD


I'm both happy and reassured to hear you've been able to overcome your slump, especially if our support helped played a role, however small. The WG community as a whole, not just the erotica side of things, would be a lot less exciting without your contributions to it. As for the chapter itself, there are definitely some hot details, but if I'm being honest, dream sections have nearly hooked me purely because by their very nature, they are entirely fictional. I suppose what I'm getting at is that I find Laurie's current reality, which is filled with limitations brought on by becoming so fat, to be far more sexier than a dream, which can explore limitless weight gain. Ninety eight chapters of build up have brought Laurie to the point where she wishes she could use her mobility scooter to get from her bedroom to the bathroom just because she's too large and lazy to walk--that's what gets me going. It's the transformation, the knowledge of where she came from, the fact that she has gone from a skinny cheer captain to an SSBBW, her coming to terms with her depraved fantasies.


Totally, I understand that. Dream sequences are definitely not for everyone... I hate to use them so much cuz they do kind of by definition delay plot developments but sometimes I get a wacky idea in my head that I just can't fit in without an excuse for fantasy. But I agree, I love the difficulties & inconveniences of carrying so many hundreds of pounds, watching the futile struggle against those limitations is super sexy <3 And fantasy sequences are allowed to ignore those things!


Oh wow, this was a rush. Usually I find these kinds of extreme fantasies work better visually than when written, but this was a wonderful stream of consciousness inside the head of someone embracing total and infinite hedonism/exhibitionism. Jen has my preferred figure, but Laurie increasingly sounds like a girl after my own heart. Where it really kicked in for me was after Laurie had finished the mountainous feast, her 'entire digestive system' beyond stuffed to bursting point... and she was still asking for more. Feels like a pivotal moment for her character. The deepest recesses of her mind showing her how far she's come... and how much more there is to conquer. Up to that point it was OK, but everything after that was very stimulating! It sounds as though the story was conceived in a similar bout of guiltless sensuality, which does add to the thrill for me. Glad to hear all your juices, creative and otherwise, are flowing again Molly. :)


Thanks, it's good to be back :) I do like to try to always push things just one step beyond, so Laurie's final burst of greed to keep going... it does a lot for me XP


Super sexy! Absolutely love it! I really, really wish she'd actually burst in the dream! I really thought it was about to happen!


Occasionally, I like to let her avoid her fate in dreams XD But there will be plenty more dream kabooms to come! :)


Amazing chapter and personal backstory!! We have all been going through so much lately. About how tall is Laurie?


What a great chapter! Truly Laurie now is on track to eat herself into the history books. Hope to see her weighing more then a whale at one time in the future and then realizing that she indeed is the fattest being in the entire known universe. But for now, how about a bit more rivalry to really get Laurie going? Like discovering that Natalie McTaggart is now one of the of the biggest SSBBW on the net and she hasn't beaten her yet like she believed.


Beyond excited to celebrate the series reaching 100 chapters. As I reread chapter 99 yesterday, a thought came to me. Jen and Alice know that Laurie has accepted her size and have even recently suspected on occasion that she might even be proud to be the biggest of the trio, but they still don't know that Laurie not only loves being fat but has been actively trying to get fatter and fatter for months now. They don't know she's a feedee--if they even know the term at all. So, it would be amazing if everything came to a head and Jen and Alice discovered Laurie's secret and true feelings about her weight by accidentally stumbling upon Laurie's SSBBW modeling page. For them to see Laurie stuffing her face, talking about how being fat turns her on and how she plans to keep getting fatter... That seems like the ultimate reveal. I'd love to see how their perception of her changes as a result. Their sleepovers might have a different vibe if they know Laurie is stuffing herself with the goal to get fatter. And if news of her modeling and feedee nature spreads around the school, how would other people react? People would have to really come to terms with the fact that Laurie has become the antithesis of her former self.


Let's just say that secrets are definitely going to be coming to light very shortly! ;D