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I'm always looking for new artists to add illustrations to the story, but I've been having some trouble lately... no one I ask seems to be taking commissions and I'm kind of at a loss! XP So once again, I'm turning to my readers, in hope that you might have some good suggestions!

So far I've gotten wonderful art from SpratFA, Kawaiidebu, Kastemel, Daysdays, Queen of Losers, Poundforpoundcake, Magic Straw, Jelliroll, Berserker1133, and Yer-Keij-fer-cash. Any suggestions for other artists whom are taking commissions and you'd like to see?

As always, thanks for your support! I apologize for my silence lately; March has turned out to be a crazy busy month, but I am working on some exciting new stories (as well as more Alice) and I'm trying to finish up a new interactive text game. It's slow going, so I appreciate all your patience :)



zdemian, Saxxon, Opik Oort

Joe Parmenter

Lewdsona is an up and coming new artist with commission slots (last I checked). Ray-Norr is another good artist, but I am not sure what their state is with commissions is atm.


I'd also say The-American-Dream is probably the best artist out there right now.


Thanks! I know Ray-Norr isn't accepting commissions, but I'll look into Lewdsona.