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It's the day after the big game... and the daring new cheer routine in which our three heavy heroines introduced the school to their bigger, better bodies.  What kind of fallout will their cheer have for Alice, Jen, and Laurie? Find out as they explore some reactions... And when Alice decides that it's finally time to bite the bullet and go up another clothing size, she finds out that her new fame as a fat girl might have preceded her...



Laurie outwardly annoyed that more people aren't commenting about her given that she's clearly the fattest. I have to imagine that most of the troll comments would be directed at her for that very reason. You wrote that , "She still tried to present a perfectly made-up, perfectly coifed example to the world in the rare instances that she left the house, but that charade was increasingly hard to maintain as Laurie ballooned bigger and bigger. " This make s me wonder. Does Laurie still regularly attend school at her size? I'm looking forward to the day when Alice and Jen start to worry because they haven't seen Laurie at school in a handful of days, so they pay her a visit, only to discover that Laurie is too fat to leave the bed. Frankly, I could totally see Laurie taking a couple of days off from school because she's just so sore and exhausted from the big cheer routine.


Right now, Laurie does still go to school! But who knows how much longer? XD


LOL at "the fat-bottomed beauty’s tremendously fat bottom". Like that old Red Dwarf joke - such a big one it's worth mentioning twice. Also, I can't stop thinking of the sight that confronted Alice when she found Jen and Laurie at the computer. Two elephantine beauties side by side, one chair for each enormous ass cheek... It's a interesting point re mobility. They're surely reaching the upper limits of being able to get around under their own power, or even leaving the house. With chapter 100 on the horizon, are we approaching the climax of this saga?


Laurie not getting more comments than the other two can only have one reason: She is not that noticeably different from them. This should help her realize that she needs to seek help - to get a lot fatter a lot faster.


Hopefully not for long. This only takes time away from stuffing her face all waking hours of the day.


We are getting toward the end. But that's in relative terms, seeing as it's literally taken me 20 years to reach this point XP


BTW: Is the Corona Pandemic going to make an appearance in the saga? Like nobody going to school anymore but instead via webcam and maybe even the other cheerleaders are gaining without training?


Probably not! There's too much stuff I have planned that wouldn't work with Corona