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"Harsh writing advice" was trending on Twitter, so I decided to add my own advice.  I was rather pleased with it, so if you want to know anything about my own writing process, take a look here: https://twitter.com/mcoddles/status/1355255802957766657 

(spoiler: I don't think it's all that harsh to be honest)



That was a great thread, and I think you articulate brilliantly the process behind all the erotic writing that I love. Which is playful, outlandish, extremely sensual (as opposed to voyeuristic) and just plain fun. Ultimately, the libido is primal, so you're right - nuance and poetry and naturalism go out the window when I'm horny! I've only just started properly exploring my WG fetish - which is fairly vanilla compared to some of my others - but what attracts me to your writing is what I look for with any kink. The sheer pleasure you're getting from these thoughts as they tumble out of your head - and that aids my own enjoyment in reading them. Thanks again Ms. Coddles. You rock!


Thank you for the kind words :) I envy you just starting out in exploring wg, there's so much to discover :D I hope you find lots to enjoy and experience!


Awesome advice! Conflict is so important to keep the story interesting, and something I only learned about very recently. I've been watching a few masterclasses on writing and have been thinking about how they apply to WG stuff. One good tip I heard the other day is that when introducing a new character, start with the most interesting thing about them. The example the author gave was actually about food: "Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes..." I love the way the kind of foods someone eats instantly seems to reveal something about their personality. It seems the sort of thing that could be quite apt in WG writing (though I can't really imagine any of my characters being partial to offal!). I had fun trying to do it with Michelle's manner of eating eclairs in my latest story.


Also I *love* this: "In closing, I'm going to say that I think creating erotica is actually one of the "noblest" things an artist can do. They tell us it's not real art, but erotica is the art that people WANT. it is what moves us, it is what touches us in the deep secret places that nothing else can."


Thank you! I try not to get too big a head as an erotic writer, but I do think that there's a lot of value in what we do :)