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So in keeping with my last post, I've just submitted an updated version of my old story "Laurie Gets Her Way" to Amazon -- it's substantially the same as the one available on my DeviantArt but I did make a few tweaks so it would read better and also wrote a couple extra pages so that it felt meaty enough (har har) to be worth the price. I did have some fun adding a few paragraphs to talk about what Jen and Alice might look like in this future. I've attached the updated story as it appears on Amazon here for any of you who happen to feel like reading it! :) If you enjoy it (or even enjoyed the old DeviantArt version), it would really help me out if you were to leave me a postive review on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Laurie-Gets-Weight-Gain-Erotica-ebook/dp/B013ES5AAY/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1438704990&sr=1-2&keywords=weight+gain+erotica It may see silly, but I'm hoping that, between here and Amazon, I might be able to turn writing fat girl stories into a sustainable sidegig :) And positive reviews help to get my stories more traction with Amazon search engines, so it helps a lot! I feel bad just begging people to help me out, so, if there's anything that you think I should be doing or could be doing to make it worth your time to post reviews, please leave a comment! I do want to make sure that I'm delivering value to you guys! Thanks again for all your help :) xoxo best wishes, Mollycoddles



Also! Please let me know if the attached document doesn't work. I know I've had some trouble getting them to upload properly here in the past, but hopefully this one doesn't give us any trouble!