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Hi everyone! I hope you're all well. Once again, I want to thank you all for your continued support. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I always am kind of blown away when I think about how many people have chosen to help me keep writing! It's really exciting! It's also very inspiring, so I've actually been doing a lot more writing lately than I have in years. I forgot how much fun it can be, though I sometimes worry I'm a bit rusty. Hopefully I'll get better! One of the things I've been doing lately is offering stories on Amazon Kindle. Now all my stories on Amazon are also posted here on Patreon, but some of them are available publically online. I've been looking over a few of my older stories for use on Kindle, but I'm realizing now... a lot of them are a little skimpy! I don't think Kindle has any minimum word counts, but I would feel bad charging for a story that's only a page long. So I started beefing up a few older stories by adding a little bit extra to them. To make sure that you guys get to see all the extra stuff I'm writing, I'll also be posting the updated stories here on Patreon. So if you see me post a story here that looks really familiar from my Deviantart account, just know that it'll include some new writing in it -- not a huge lot, often just a couple extra pages. But just wanted to let y'all know that they won't be exactly the same as the versions you might have seen before, in case you do want to reread them.



Rusty? Ridiculous, you're excellent. I'm very interested by these "updated" stories... gives me an excuse to reread them all. Can't wait!