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Oops, made a little mistake in that last upload! If you haven't read it yet, try reading THIS version instead. It's corrected! If you read the previously uploaded version, well, there's some confusing details. Hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for all the support!



Reading this again and the Heather stories, I have to say it's definitely my second favourite of your stories behind Alice. She's so adorable. I was wondering, does Heather's appearance in these stories occur at a specific point, say, between chapters 2 and 3 of her own story?


I'm not sure, actually! I kind of imagined Heather's appearances in the Alice stories took place a year or so after her own stories.


Good chapter, to be sure, but the ending feels a bit off to me. Like it ended on an incomplete thought, or something.


You're absolutely right, Jorpando! I actually did that on purpose because it ties directly into the start of the next chapter. Hopefully it'll make sense when I get ch 35 finished! :)