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Phew! Just got this done! We've had so much Laurie lately, so here's a chapter where we get to see more of Alice and Jen. And also an old friend making a big come-back. I hope you guys enjoy it! I know a lot of people were getting upset at all the slob elements in Jen's storyline, so it's a bit toned down this time so you don't need to worry about running into any flatualence this go round. As always, let me know if you have any thoughts!



This was a lovely chapter! I especially adored the surprise guest, I liked them a lot in their first appearance too. Really looking forward to seeing what Laurie does now that the ultimate pieces are in her grasp! But also to see whether this new influence might uncover some secrets and interfere where Alice and Jen are too dulled and cowlike to... So interesting! However, I feel very guilty about possibly influencing your writing of Jen. I don't mind reading the flatulence at all, rather, some of the times you wrote it were truly excellent! If you want to include it then please do! I more meant that I was feeling worried about Jen's habits and the way she acted towards Craig, which was probably your intention. There was a section here where Alice was pressing on Jen's back, and it said Jen belched but didn't realise "the sound came from her own butt". I hope it wasn't my immature comment before that added to making you change this part from your original idea. I'd hate to feel like a demanding fan taking away from what you want to write. And I had nothing to do with it I apologise for being self centred. Sorry for being a troublesome fan, but I cannot wait for the next installment! You just keep making this series so good! And the plot is really kicking up! Thank you so much for bringing us so much content!


oh wow, great chapter. So if I read it right all three are now closer to the 500 lb range? it looks like Alice and Jen are now in the high 400s possibly already 500. but from that last chapter it looks like Laurie is just as fat as them. now what was interesting was bringing in Heather and mentioning Amber who now is immobile. I'd want to hear more about Amber and how she's now the fattest character you have. Like what if if I remember correctly is her lover is Sally is once Amber got closer and then past the 1000 range sally finally started blowing up insanely so now she's Amber's 500 lb with giant tits bigger and is making Amber even bigger all while she's gorging like crazy. But that's just me


No, it wasn't you, so don't feel bad :) I got a lot of people getting kind of angry, so I thought I'd pull back since it's not really necessary in this chapter. I did have one fart and then I thought better of it, but obviously I didn't proof read close enough XP Thanks for thr catch! I'll upload a corrected version... And thanks for the kind words! :)


Amber has always been the character that I use for crazy big stories, so she might show up in the story eventually. I kind of like her as an off-stage character, though, one who's become something of a legend where no one has seen her in a while and now there are all these rumors swirling around lol.