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Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the last installment... I'm working on the next chapter right now and, because of my little goof-up in rewriting most of chapter 32, that means that 33 is aleady half done! April is turning out to be a really busy month with real work, but I'm still going to shoot to get it done in time for May day. Fingers crossed! The other thing I wanted to talk about was that I noticed quite a few declined credit cards this time around. Now I don't think anyone's being dishonest or anything, I know from a couple good friends of mine that Patreon can be weirdly finicky about cards. And I don't think it tells you if your card is declined. So anyway, if you didn't get a notice from Patreon that your card was charged for April, you might want to check to make sure your payment info is entered correctly. I'll send out some private messages today just to remind everyone. Just because if your payment to me didn't go through, that probably means that your payments to other creators also got lost in the system. And that kinda sucks! :/


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