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Hey all! Thanks for being so patient with me as I finished up Alice chapter 32. Originally, I had this chapter all planned out logically, but, as I started to write it, I realized I wanted a few other little details to happen first... so I ended up not using my outline at all! This chapter actually just follows each of the main three girls as they wake up in the morning and how they deal with the little morning nuisances and rituals that we all have to deal with.... the only difference is, most of us aren't as round and out of shape as these three. I always find big girls struggling to do simple tasks to be lots of fun, so hopefully you guys will enjoy this too! As always, any feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Thanks again for all your support! :)


Andrew Fawcett

Molly, this is some of your best yet. All three girls and a great balance of story vs fan service. I love the bit of light slob you threw in too; hopefully it's not off putting for too many people. Thanks as usual!


Thanks, Andrew, I am glad you enjoyed it! I always have fun with these and I really wanted to have Laurie conniving to get Alice in on her scheme there, so hopefully people won't mind the whole thing dragging out a bit longer. I get a lot of requests for a slobbier Jen (She seems to be the favorite for that! lol) so I thought a little bit might be good.


Big girls struggling to do simple tasks... fantastic indeed. How things we're so used to can become so fascinating with such a small change. I think the part of this that will catch the most attention here is Jen's third. She certainly is becoming a slob. I liked the level it was at here, but personally I don't hope it goes too much further. Not just for my comfort, but also the sake of the girl herself... poor Jen! She really has changed an enormous amount! And an interesting hint at exhibitionistic desires. Perhaps a certain dream where she wore nothing more than a red top hinted at deeper hidden desires than mere stuckage. If only a tiny part of Laurie's lust could be given to Jen, perhaps Craig wouldn't be tempted by her words. But of course, I don't want our luscious lovely Laurie to lose even a single bit of the firey desires that make her who she is. I loved this bit too, with Frank's teasing as delicious as ever. So nice to see her so seemingly comfortable and happy with her partner. I dearly wish that Jen can find a balance between gluttony and her love life too. I was also really hoping to see Laurie's plan in action. The more I hear, the more intrigued I get... can't wait for the next part. The only complaint I have to make, as such, regards a certain detail you included regarding matches and flatulence. I first read it in another story you wrote about a lovely Vice-President, and it confused me there. Having read it twice, I finally looked it up to see. Is this a well known trick? Either way I found it a little odd that Jen would have matches so close to hand in her room, and that Craig would immediately think to use them in such a tired state, though it's not a big deal. How did the "victim" of the series shift from ample Alice to juicy Jen? Poor Jen. I hope she finds some peace soon. And I hope Alice can handle two sleepovers without bursting.


Thanks, Phat94, so glad you liked it! Just to put your mind at ease, I'm not planningto go too far off the rails with slobby Jen. I've just had a lot of requests for a touch of gas for her and, considering her current attitude toward her weight, it kind of fit. As for the match trick, that's a good question...I'm not sure how widespread that is, I just know that my father always does that so it's something I'm familiar with. Dunno if other people do it too! XP


Well I think it's safe to say that that was worth the wait! What a triumphant return for our three heroines. Really enjoyed it - Alice, as ever, is my favourite, so was very pleased for us to check back in with her for an extended period.