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So before I'm gonna put the Museum comic out for the Desire tier I actually want to get some other things out of the way first. Rather than staying quiet about it and having nothing happen here, I thought it'd be nice to keep you guys in the loop :)

I've been doing nothing but Maya so far this week. I made the shift from Redshift rendering back to Iray because I just like how it works better, and now the challenge is to render Mari in Iray in Maya before the month is over. Obviously I'm going to pull that off, but I just run into these hurdles again and again that make things difficult. Currently, creating a good shader for Mari's hair is what's doing me in.

I'm having a good time trying to figure this out, especially since I also bought a brand new gaming chair for the first time ever. Always used traditional desk chairs but the last one got so worn out and given the amount of time I spend here sitting and working, I figured I'd go for optimal back support.

So yeah! The comic will release somewhere around the weekend. But before then I wanna put in as much time as possible to get Mari right :) Everything else about her is ready to go for animation! It's just rendering that's the final hurdle. I've been stuck on this for so long and every time my progress was interrupted by another production period of a month+ where I just didn't get around to this at all.

Now with two sets behind me and clear skies ahead, there's no better time for me to focus on this than now.


Bob Fink

Good move on the chair, and can't wait to see what you've done with Mari.


Great Stuff. You worked that hard you wore the chair out. I hope the new chair is a shiny pink one. it is your trademark. ;-)


Thats funny. I also just replaced my office chair I have had for 10+ years with a gaming chair. lol


It's a good move to make :D I love sitting at my desk now. This chair is amazing.


It's black ;) I don't think a single male in his 30's should be sitting around on a pink chair visible from street level haha.