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Hello there everyone, just a quick update.

We’ve been hammering away at the universal character feature, and as a result, aren’t able to release a smaller build in the meantime. 😢

Estelle has been ripped out of the project to make room for the new character importer. Once it’s completed we will be able to bring her back in easily, as well as any other UMA-based characters and clothing.

This combined with the in-depth documentation we've been doing, should make character importing pretty do-able, even for beginners.

We’ve still got quite a few other features cooking as well, but we will be focused almost exclusively on the universal character system since the game doesn’t have a character until we’ve completed it.

Like what you saw as title GIF!

You might remember the TV and everything from way back, with more things getting done, more systems can be connected. 


Parallel to this, our new artist has been working on the first set of clothing.

Having finished the initial models for the student outfit, they have moved on to the matching lingerie.


We’re still actively searching for additional artists to bolster the ranks and make clothing and accessories come quicker. If you are an artist or know of anyone, do let us know and send us a message via Patreon or Discord!

More to come next month! ❤️




Is there going to be an update this month? I understand that you guys are working on adding a lot more to the game, but was just curious if we can expect an update for September. Cheers and can’t wait to play it.


Yes! Expect some images / Gif likely this week. New release this month as well of course 😁