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Hello everyone,

Between moving house and surgery it has been a very full month for Robo and Pink, but thankfully everything went well and they are finally settling into their new lives!

Robo has a nice little setup to code from the comfort of his couch until he can return to sitting at a desk, and Pink has her cute little rustic office space. (kitty included)


We decided to address one of your concerns as our first priority this month, the lack of specular and/or glossiness on our characters.

Some of you pointed out that the skin falls a bit flat due to the lack of spec, and we are well aware of this. We’ve been working to re-add it, bringing back the depth and realism that it gave the skin shader in our original prototype. 


The eyes also needed an update to bring back the glossiness as well as transparency so that the cornea can once again give the eyes the same amount of detail that makes them feel more alive and real.

Throwback to the old model and shader… Boy has she ever come a long way!


Input driven animation

You might remember this GIF from our April post [Models have old mesh & shader]:

What we never elaborated however, was that this animation was not an animation at all, but the result of moving the mouse around while the characters followed that movement in real-time!

Originally only meant as a developer tool for dynamic animation, we thought giving players the ability to pose and then move parts of each character by hand would open up the door to easier modding when it comes to furniture or scenarios that require custom poses and animations. [Kind off what you may be used to, if you played the TK17 Pack]

Ultimately we would like it to be part of a creative-like mode, but for the time being it is more of a β€œfor fun” feature; at least until we figure out exactly how it will mesh in with our gameplay and/or modding tools.

Other games have made great use of this mechanic, and we’re hoping to be able to add it to Lustbound in a meaningful way for everyone to play with!

Here’s to lots of sexy fun ahead!



Neko Chaos

Congrats on the move : ) What's the cats name if we can know Believe it or not, i don't have much this month Just quality of life stuff Being able to switch clothes, personality/voice, body shape ect without exiting to maker Also an aside, with clothing cards, if there going to be included, a problem in koikatsu was that people used accessories to get some really nice characters, but the problem was that the player could'nt change outfits that weren't preset on the fly without some horrible problems occurring ie hair flat out disappearing. If that could be remedied in lust bound, that would be great from a game play perspective. Another idea is being ble to mix and match dialogue for added customization along with the ability to just listen to the lines flat out without playing the game outright I know i asked this a long time ago, but any recommendations on computer specs to get the most out of the game? The graphics card specs i got weren't exactly enough for the sales person to work off. Finally, the 'scene viewer' games i mentioned last month are "Succubus shelly 1 and 2" which can be found on DLsite for around $30ish dollars all together. The one with the interesting clothing mechanic is a japan only game is hard to get due to it being Japanese. I can record the mechanic and send you the footage via google drive if you like along with possible saves for the other games if you like. I was also just curious, are you going to sell the finished game at all or just give it for free? Obviously I'm assuming that people who have been patrons long enough would get it for free, but i would see it as something of a waste to not sell it as well given how much effort has been put in it. I say this purely because i would very much like to see other games form you all once thus project ends. Keep on keeping on and happy thanksgiving or Canada day (I think your Canadian a least )


The puss-puss’ name is Wednesday, and she says Hi! The character cards are a great idea, we have been playing with the concept and were thinking of calling them cosplay costumes! Since the story revolves around your relationship with a long time partner, the idea would be that you could dramatically change their appearance (think body and face shape, colour, height, etc.) with the understanding that she is still the same person underneath it all. Saving presets to your cosplay wardrobe would allow you to quickly change outfits for some fun sexy time with your favorite waifu or to cosplay yourself as her favourite husbando! ;) For the technical aspect, we are hoping that all the groundwork Pink is doing for the character system will solve loading and physics issues you might have experienced in Koikatsu. As for the mix and match of dialogue and the ability to change voices, we are still working on the modularity of the interactions, but we are hoping to add all sorts of modes for people to enjoy and customize once the gameplay is solid. We would love to see recordings of the game play, just hit up Pinkalie on Discord with the link to the footage! And for your final question, we do plan on selling the game and it’s possible expansions to non patrons once they are ready. You as a patron will of course have early access to it for free as well as any extra goodies we come up with in the meantime!! Happy thanksgiving to you too! In Canada we celebrate it a month earlier than in the States, but giving thanks should be a year long celebration if you ask me! Cheers! Robo and Pink