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Hello there everyone!

We hope youโ€™ve all had a pleasurable month. Ours has been pretty busy, so let's dig into this update, shall we?


She's alive!

After months of showing you a vacant eyed Estelle (Name of our Model), Pink has finally given her a simple smile and blink idle... it's like night and day!

The character system now has a new bald and short hairstyle to pave the way for making male characters.

We also added some eyebrows to change up her face a bit and the ability to colour her lips. More exciting facial customization such as eye shape and lip shape will be coming once the Alpha is out!

Of course nothing is ever fully finished, and much more customization will be added over time. 


Alpha preparations:

Speaking of which, to prepare for the impending alpha version of Lustbound, weโ€™ve started cleaning up the rough edges around the apartment scene to get everything ready for you.

Tons of obvious bugs were fixed (no more glitching through the floor while getting close to your lover), proper environment colliders and navmashes were added, and interactable items were cleaned up and polished.

An in depth graphical settings panel was also added in order to get a better idea of the games performance on the wide range of computers you all have.

Get ready to explore your new home away from home worry free!

(^ No more falling into Hentai-Hell)


Modding tools:

Robo started implementing the first version of the official Lustbound modding system.
Weโ€™ve found a super elegant solution that will let you guys easily get your custom content into the game!

Modders will be able to work right within Unity, using our custom made tools. Anything that can be assembled in Unity (models, textures, shaders, scripts, animations etc) will be exportable and shareable in our own custom .lust (name still TBD) file format, and then directly usable in Lustbound by dropping it into the mods folder and enabling it through our in-game mod manager.

The look of the mod menu may change a bit in the future, to accommodate the other types of mods we want to support.

Initially, the first version will be limited to apartment props only; but once the character system is completed, youโ€™ll also be able to create your own clothing, hairstyles, animations etc. Weโ€™ll do our best to offer good documentation and tutorials to make everything as easy as possible for you guys to keep custom content flowing.


While itโ€™s still too early to demo, weโ€™ve been experimenting with Cock Hero / JOI style gameplay! Currently weโ€™re working on a JOI script between you and your lover as a self contained scenario to hopefully include in the alpha version of Lustbound.

Weโ€™re super excited about this type of gameplay, as being directed while ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐›๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  adds a whole new level of immersion and excitement to your wank sessions! Will you be able to last until she says you can ๐œ๐ฎ๐ฆ!?

This will pretty much be the first scenario we work on, besides the sandbox option. That way you have a very good overview of what we plan in the future. 

If you so desire, you can already get a small sample of the voice that will be speaking to you here! Just click here -> SAMPLE


The coming month:

On a more personal note, a small number of some of you may have already heard that the main developers (Pink and Robo) are moving house this month.

Some of this month will be spent packing and unpacking boxes and settling into the new place. Shortly after the big move, Robo is finally having a surgery that heโ€™s desperately needed for a while now. Hereโ€™s hoping his recovery is as short and as painless as possible.

Needless to say, the month of October is going to be a little hectic for us, so the next update might be a little late or smaller than usual; but we should be back up to speed quickly.

As always, a big โ€œthank you!โ€ to everybody that supported us through the months since development started. Especially with everything going on in the world, itโ€™s amazing to see that so many people support this.

Weโ€™ll make sure that you donโ€™t regret it! We can't wait for you guys to finally have a chance to sink your teeth into the alpha!




Looks really nice! I cant wait to play this game!


Looks great! Dont know if this was asked already but i have to: Do you plan to add female POV? I think many games miss this option and if its modded in its mostly a bit weird looking. Would be a nice additon.

Neko Chaos


Neko Chaos

Rewritten from scratch with added stuff, pateon apparently doesn't like people editing their own comments *stares at cock hero reveal* .......................did one of my crazy DDR idea ACTULLY go somewhere? .......................thank you *tear rolls down* *sniff* Anyways. before i get to my rambling let me first congratulate robo and pinkie on their move. Next ROBO! YOU BETTER TAKE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED TO HEAL PROPERLY MISTER! NO PROGRAMING UNTIL YOUR COMPLETLY WELL AGAIN! *TURNS TO EVERYONEELSE* YOU TOO! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! WHO CARES IF AN UPDATE OR THE GAME IS ABIT LATE! YOU GUYS ARE MORE IMPORTANT! haaaaaaaaaa, with that out of the way, RAMBLING IDEA TIME! This partially me putting forth ideas that i haven't been sure have been seen Ideas for if pregnancy is ever implemented Actually allowing us to see the conception occur on a monitor or something would be interesting. My thought was to have a patch on the stomach and it would work with pixel art or whatever you guys like. The characters could comment like " My My, look how eager they all are. Don't worry~ mommy and daddy will keep at it until your ALL here*rubs stomach lovingly*" and when the point where breast milk would start flowing, a breast pump could be brought in and the scene could go like "Gosh, the baby isn't even born yet and I'm making some much milk, hopefully the pump will help. But it's such a waste of good milk unless~ *turns to player* do you want to take care of it? Your my baby too~" and it goes where you would expect. The pump could also be kept as a 'toy' for fun times. At the very least please consider making it a toggle in free play please On the clothing subject Do you think it would be possible to be able to remove clothing in real time by which I mean pull her shirt off, unbutton, unzip, or say untie say a ribbon hold her lingerie closed? i know a VR game that did that and it was...โ€ฆstimulating. Unfortunately they didn't do much with it, it would be AMAZING to remove layers by hold a light up spot with a ghost hand and her shirt, bra ect lifts. I can give you the name of the game if you like. It would be really interesting if you could do it it before and during fun times, i get it if its difficult to implement:( My next thing is the positions / animations which i know is far off but can't hurt to give ideas SHOWER/TUB SEX PLEASE I also know some games that are basically scene viewers that i think would be good research materials due to the positions / camera work, so let me know if your interested in their names. Also related to the previous idea, but a strip tease maybe? MORE IDEAS THAT SOUND FUN! These ideas from a eroge manga and a movie from 2007 called "Epic movie" if you know it by chance. The manga one is pretty simple/ side storyish , basically taming a succubus and what not. It would be kinda interesting if for example the player character summons a succubus girl and through some work makes her their lover/ willing personal onahole. I think you can work from that. Next is just an interesting idea, being able to change your wifu/husbando without having to go back to the character creator. Just like boob size ect/ whatever could work. I also got the idea from the movie cause there is a literally sex scene with discount misque from X-men and she say "I can be whatever you want~" guy says big boobs and it happens. Someone at FOX seriously had to tell the SFX team "Make her boobs grow bigger." Amuses me Back to the idea, It could be written as well in game as a shape shifter character or whatever where yeah you could change boob size and whatnot BUT also let us switch character cards during fun times without backing out and having to pick then go back in. It would be a good quality of life edition regardless. Finally winding down are just some questions, are threesomes/multiply partners possible at some point? And Flash mentioned awhile ago when i brought up projekt melody's possible involvement that he had another idea for her other than what i suggested. but didn't clarify. Have things progressed enough that they reached out to her yet and what is/was the idea if we can know? You all are AWESOME! Keep on keeping on. This is going to be great PS if your still looking for cheap other langue voice actors hit up Merry weatherly, they've done voiced comic in Japanese and might be able to help


Keep up the great work, guys and gals - appreciate ya <3


Youโ€™re too sweet! No need to worry though, Iโ€™ve set myself up to code from the couch for now. Nice and comfortable. 1. Interesting to hear new pregnancy ideas..Breast pumps are always fun to have in the tool chest, at some point we would like to add some 2. If you mean tearable clothing, and true to life dynamically laying on the skin etc. Itโ€™s definitely possible, but not the direction weโ€™re taking right now. If parts of clothing are to be lifted or pushed to the side, it will be more like a โ€œstate changeโ€ for each piece of clothing. 3. As for the โ€œscene viewerโ€ and clothing examples you mentioned, we would be happy to take a look if you shared the titles with us. 4. I love the succubus idea, but this feels like a whole other game by itself. I mean, maybe weโ€™ll have a succubus role play scenario at some point though wink wink. 5. Character cards actually would be a really nice quality of life improvement, noted! 6. Threesomes and multiple partners are something we are already developing the tech for, so yes they are possible. If not right away then down the line for sure. 7. Finally, we donโ€™t currently have any partnerships planned with cam girls. Thanks for sharing your two cents, take care Neko!