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Hey there everyone, it's small update time.

This week Pinkalie (The 3D-Artist) prepared a small list containing some info about what you can expect in the not to far away future. Of course you can still request features and make recommendations, but know that this stuff will be taken care off.

I highlighted the "important" stuff, but reading the whole document will of course give you the most info.




Promising. Looking forward to it.


i think that a studio mode could be an excellent feature(even a complete module due to the complexity of several aspects)

Swipey Mcdane

This sounds great! Kind of hoping to have unlimited sliders for body proportions like those mods in Illusion games😅 wanna make some thicc girls


how in depth can we expect the character creation to be?


This will most likely come, but definitely a later stage, no use for studio of there isn't stuff to build scenes with :p


What is missing in most games is longevity. I hope you can do it. Illusion went in the right direction with AI girl. Interaction like in the Sims for example. I'm curious to see what you create.


Depending on the body-customization we are going to use, you can expect further sliders. First versions will not feature insane stuff though.


A bit basic in the beginning, the goal is to add the depth that modded KK had.


When the story module is gonna be worked on primarily, we'll most likely hire some writers to give exactly that, however, as most poeple prefer free-play, this willl be worked on first.


I don't know how complex or elaborate this is. Have you discussed modding support? If you look at well-known and long played games, modding support is often the key.


How exactly we will go at it isn't set in stone yet. However it will definitely come. Last time we talked about it, a very basic system to add stuff like clothing, textures, meshes and all will come first and will stay for a while before adding support for more game-changing things.


Pinkalie or whoever makes the story/fetishes. Please let me NTR someone. Thank you.


I'll pass it on, for more recommendations you should head to the dedicated Discord channel though.


What is the plan for locations? I assume it will be just a bedroom at the begging but it is fun to get a wide variety with interactable objects


Well revise a bit how exactly we want to do that later, can't say to much atm :x


My first, last, and middle thoughts are... mods? :O That's not totally true, I will admit a good pregnancy feature also piqued my interest.


And I see mods were addressed already, so no need to respond :D Should read comments first ^_^ Might I suggest that if you get a lot of good mods, assuming the mod authors allow it doing (an) official addon pack(s) of the best mods (if there are good mods worth doing it with). I know the idea of doing mo packs is kinda out there =P.

Neko Chaos

This is a feature idea i think would give the project legs, let us write our own dialogue/scenarios not voiced, just our own subtitles, it would be really cool and let us tailor our own preferences hell, this could create a small group of us making free scenarios for you just an idea


Let me put inflation/cumflation out there, oral, anal, everywhere. ;) And bodily fluids and solids... just saying, never saw any of these in a game before. It would be glorious. :D Shut up and take my money, just upgraded to Expert!


I absolutely love this idea, and it's been on my mind since the very beginning! It is not currently planned on our roadmap to version 1.0, but it's definitely high on the list for potential future updates!


Just saw that, thank you a lot, most of the stuff should be doable over time, just not sure what you mean with one thing...xD


would we be able to turn off gay/futa content?

Therin Whitten

Dude you guys are making your own game? Hell yeah.


If you support VR, do me a favor. Let yourself be inspired by VaM. I want to be more characterful when I touch it virtually and feel like touching it. And don't play like an illusion. by grasping character as if it were a spirit. Physics is often not good in such VR games. If you do that, I will also pay 120 euros for your game, and again as much for each DLC.


This month update post may hold some nice news in regards to physics, VR will definitly play a big role. Just not at the start, as we need a solid base. :x