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Hello there everybody, after a long wait, everything legal, organizational or otherwise paper including stuff has been finally done. This means Game development is now at 100%.

Starting today you will see multiple new blog posts from time to time including info what exactly has been done, get some sweet images, videos and everything else going along making a game.
To enable those that want full details and those that just want the “important stuff”. It will be divided into two parts, the “short Version” and “Detailed Version”

Now let’s get the biggest question out of the way, what will the game be about and feature?
The project will not be a plain try at a KK 2.0 or anything like that.
Our idea is a big story-driven porn sandbox, with priority to take the best parts and elements out of the loved hentai-games, put our own skills and spin on it, and most importantly include what you, the patreons, want to see.

This means, A full character customization, fully working physics, way better controls than what you are used to, lots of animations and of course a lot of stuff to see and touch.
A full fleshed out road-map will be available too of course.

Another important question, that quite a lot of people already asked me is, will “we” the people behind FlashBangZ be alone on this, and that’s a clear no.
To deliver something worthy and amazing, and to reward you all with the time you have been with us, I partnered up with the team of Nudica Games to include people that are experts in developing games.
A worrying thought that always comes up when talking about “Developing a game on Patreon” is that time, money and skill will be an issue, now let me tell you the, very nice thing we have here, and that is that the whole game development is, momentarily, already financed by you guys, and this means an expert 3D-Artist and Programmer, with multiple years of experience, can work full-time on this game.
So no time cut because after-work, no “sorry guys nothing happened last month” or similar. (Unless Corona catches us)

Of course you can also talk & meet with them in the Discord, all the channels will be available tomorrow.

We prepared a little tech-demo of one of their older smaller projects, so you can get a taste of what is coming, in the not so near future.


Expect the main site changes to happen over the next week and as a last personal sentence.
HUGE THANKS to all of you, so many new people joined and more than I thought stayed, even though I was forced to take down a few main projects.
If you loved what was released previously, prepare for something even better over the next months.

I love you all!




Will story be optional? No offense but the writers of these porn games really suck and try to hard for comedy or something. or at the very least make it skip able. Other than that though this sounds awesome and im looking forward to whatever you all throw out here!


Take the best from summertime saga ! Lots of fetishes, like the slutty step-(or not)-sister, the step-(or not)-mother giving in to her lust, and many more crazy scenarios, but with custom characters. Or maybe consider a way to create and share them ? :) (BTW, the small demo looks AWESOME)


First versions will not be with story, but yes we will 100% support a Free-Play mode. Story will also be more used to introduce more poses and stuff than really "story story"

Juha Linna

Nice to see more VR stuff. GJ


such a shame i love the graphics of the demo very interesting style. I hope you do work on this style eventually it looks fun and cute.


I can't speak for others, but I stayed because I trust you not to screw us over. Makes us proud, Team!


Please, super ultra pretty please, include usable controls to customize nipples and genitalia... i've always been frustrated with the deforming mess from all the mods for the usual games. I will pay more, i promise! ;_;


kind of a shame this style wont be continued i really liked it


What exactly do you mean, mind sending a few examples on the discord recommendations chat


The style will be continued in the near beginning, Anime will simply be added over time.


Glad you made it out of the legal bs!


Congratulations you amazing being! Keep up the awesome work!!!


hey flashbang z i did read your last posts but i still cant underdstand something why does the game now look the "stylised" loog instead of the anime look when it was 57% to 43% its a close call but why make the poll when then taking the other one. im sorry if i trigger somone but i absolutly cant enjoi the sylished look. I know you said you would add both inn but why start with that one... guess i have to wit for the anime style.... but anyways keep up th egood work really enjoid your last games / modpacks.


Hey Darius, your friendly neighbourhood artist Pinkalie here! What you played is actually a demo of our old project, so naturally the art style doesn't reflect the poll results. That being said, since we already have experience with the stylized technique, and the poll results were so close; we decided it would be a fun idea to go with a hybrid artstyle. So yes, we'll be starting with the stylized approach we already know well, and overtime adding body, facial and shader variation to replicate the anime style. We want to offer the best of both worlds, and we hope you'll stick around so we can show you just how flexible the system can be!


Awesome Flashbangz, Keep up the good work and I hope your journey through game creation will be a fruitful and enlightening one. Looking forward to your work!


I'm expecting a lot about this as I loved playing on your modpacks and spent many time on it. Can't wait to see what's coming ! Also I'm not gonna spoil myself a lot so I'll have a surprise when I'll discover your work anyway ! \o/ Good work to you and to Nudica Games ! :D


i dont need koikatsu 2.0 as long as its good koikatsu game with vr :D


Dont see why people like KK so much. Super generic anime BS. AI and other Illusion games are so much better...


I like it but its to bare bones and I dont have a vr headset rip my soul

Therin Whitten

Will VR be a possible feature in this game? Its better to build it from the ground up with it in mind.


I just tried the VR mode with my index, the control is incredible I just wish the character is not like free to play ads


it will be only VR ?