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Story-wise, ToD is conceptalized in a traditional 3 act structure, meaning Act 1 is about introducing characters and their motivations, Act 2 is the main "struggle", i.e. progression of the story and character arcs, building towards a final showdown at the end, Act 3 resolves all conflicts and storylines.

I know this sounds a bit theoretical, but it's also the underpinning for the way I want to work on the game and release the different parts.

The 3 game chapters relate to the story acts I just described. I won't go into details as to not spoil anything, but I got a rough script of the whole story already written down.

Chapter 2 will be the biggest chunk of the game, where you will raid tombs and "get closer" to Clara. It will have more interactive freedom and work a bit like other games from the "trainer/corruption" genre. It will receive successive updates, unlike the other chapters, which I will release with everything already in place and only update to fix things or add some smaller things here and there.

Chapter 3 will have (at least) 3 different endings that will depend on your stats and relation to Clara at the end of Chapter 2. I may release them one after another to not make you wait too long for the whole package.

See attached diagram to get a better overview of the things I described in boring textual form above ;-) .



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