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I'm working on an adult parody game called "Tomb of Destiny".

In this audio-visual novel, you (the protagonist) will join a famous british archeologist on an expedition to find a long lost artifact. 

It will be up to you if you use this chance to win her heart or be a (literal) dick towards her. You can shape your - and eventually her - destiny. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

Key features:

- FULLY VOICED female characters

- in general, a huge effort has been spent on the audio, also including music and sound effects

- 3 chapter story mixing more linear story parts with sandbox-y elements

- lewd scenes with occasional humour and more serious story beats

- many more or less obvious references for fans of a certain video game franchise

- proof-read, no gibberenglish

- western style 2D art that has been created with a mix of traditional digital workflows and modern AI possibilities to keep an efficient pipeline

Creating this game takes a lot of effort and especially the voiceovers, which I think are a standout feature, are time-consuming and also costly, so I will be extremely grateful for anyone joining one of my paid tiers - by doing so, you secure the future for "Tomb of Destiny"!




Hi, I'm a new subscriber, is there only one chapter for now? I dont see any links for any other chapter so making sure. Thank you!


Hi WestDaddy, thanks so much for subscribing! Yes, Chapter 1 is the first and only one released so far, I will start working on Chapter 2 now. I wanted to be the first release to be rather substantial, not a 5 minute demo, that's why I came out with Chapter 1 right out of the gate - but future chapters will have successive updates to which patreon subscribers will get exclusive early access and previews. See also the roadmap in this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99247904

Mister Lonely

Love the content so far, but a bit frustrated with this update. The door does not seem to open much, or at all, even after a couple weeks of "donations". This seems needlessly grindy, especially when there are no new scenes, or things to discover. Am I missing something, or are we intended to spend a few in-game months opening this door while spamming through the same 3 scenes over and over?


Hi Mister Lonely! Thanks for the feedback. It is certainly not intended that any grinding is necessary, sorry if that was not clear enough with the "Developer" messages I put in. Opening the door is actually not necessary at all, but something that will be relevant later. To explain a bit why the game logic is like that, currently - (MILD spoilers ahead): There are 2 conditions at the end of Chapter 2, that will trigger the transition to the final Chapter 3: 1) Retrieving the artifact behind the doors and 2) finding a 'large medi pack' so Clara can walk again. Thus, both of these events will happen at a very late stage in Chapter 2, otherwise it would break the logic/flow of the story. That's why I have to put in an artificial limit on the door opening at the moment. I know this is not ideal but just the nature of a game that is under development. Once Chapter 2 is completed, I will remove these constraints and players have total control of the pace they want to take. In this update you're referring to, Chapter 0.2, I implemented first versions of important systems from scratch, which was a lot of effort. I absolutely plan to extent them in the next updates, i.e. make the dungeons more interesting and varied, add new Clara 'interactions' and also make them more dynamic with more choices and sub-interactions. This is only 0.2 after all, so a lot of stuff in the pipeline until 1.0 :-) . TL;DR: boosting/grinding stats is not really necessary at the moment, but will become more relevant in the future. In this latest update, you can get all the content by giving her berries and then talking her into the dance/hj scenes.

Mister Lonely

Knowing there was an "artificial limit" probably would have saved some frustration. I wouldn't have spent so long trying to figure out where this update was going. Thanks for explaining. I probably should have read up here before diving into the update. I support a handful of titles and don't get on all frequently. Despite that, I've been loving the overall game (hence the support) and am looking forward to more. Appreciate you taking the time to explain.


Thanks, this is very valuable feedback and not your fault - I can totally see why this would happen. For the next update I think of something that makes this kind of information more clear, directly in the game, rather than having it buried in changelogs and Patreon posts.