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Welcome to the TESD Patreon family. We are very excited to bring you all of this amazing new content. You'll be getting new podcasts like The All New Sunday Jeff Show with Sunday Jeff, Guffaw & Order, TESD Tidbits and so much more. Along with these new podcasts depending on which tier you've joined you'll also be getting top-notch video content from Makin' Hay Productions. Shows like Frank 5's Rewind, Enhanced TESD episodes, On the Road to New Orleans - The Comic Book Men Reunion and more!

Need to catch up on old podcasts? There is a whole back catalog of content available to you. Christmas pods, Overkill: The ZUUUUNE years, The Fiasco Pod and much, much more. Go ahead, dive into this big old bottle dump of fun, laughter, mystery & excitement!

From all of us at Tell 'em Steve-Dave, thank you!
Added: 2023-01