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It's been a long month, In addition to my cooler dying on me, I've also got a family member in hospice. Really sorry for the lack of updates.

Above are the second and third versions of my Self Moc. I departed from the previous design because I didn't feel like it fit who I am today. (Though it was really cool) So I gave him a major overhaul. 

You might have noticed the mask has been completely phased out for a canid head. This was part of a new direction to make him a little more like my vtube avatar. While the canine look will remain the focus going forward, its far from its final form here.

I attempted to add a collar, again similar to the one on my avatar, but the result looked a little too top heavy, leading me to ditch it and just using a red hose, which allowed for more articulation. The chest would see several iterations and these aren't the last you will see.

This version is also where I introduced a system that could make the hip joints a little more stiff. This is done with two ccbs arm assemblies that connect the thigh to the lower back. These would see their own share of revisions going forward

The hands have been swapped out for a thinner and more esthetically appealing layout using exo-force fingers.

I also gave him a set of forearm mounted blades. As they are here, they didn't deploy using any kind of play function, though this would change in time.

The departure from trans-purple was a hard choice to make, but the limited number of parts cast in that color are just too few for me to work with on this particular model.

Thank you all again for waiting so patiently. I can't thank you enough for your support and am working to make the next showcase as entertaining as I can.



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