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And with 101 votes, as of the time of this post, a ratio of 56% makes it clear people want a self Moc from a Vtuber who drew and rigged his own avatar... It's not redundant if people ask for it.

For starters, this mask is a place holder. It looks far too edgy for my taste, I'd prefer something a bit more vague in terms of expression, if not a smidge friendlier. I MAY end up modeling and 3D printing something for the final build.


I had started this when the Flammage was mostly complete so as soon as I saw the votes, I already had something to start working with. It will surprise exactly none of you that I hold a deep appreciation for androgyny. I like shapely and graceful figures with defined chests, male or female. In regards to proportions I made him relatively lanky to make him carry a sense of pride about himself, hopefully not too much.

I'm overall really happy with him so far. Though I do need some way to fill and better round out the hips. Black ribbed technic hoses are apparently really hard to come by, so it doesn't look like I'll be able to crutch that for this build.

I need to fix a few problems with his feet, which have a few parts that slide a round a bit when posing. If I get stumped on it, I might post a breakdown asking for some input.


I do wish there were more trans-non-neon-red pieces I could use in place of the purple, but at the very least, these parts look nice against the black.

I thank you all again for your support please feel free to leave me some feedback.



Joseph Wheeler

I get what you mean, there’s this one piece which I wish came in brown which doesn’t, and it killed a really cool self moc I’m working on. I could use spray paint but that probably isn’t a good idea. I’m surprised because literally every other piece comes in brown,