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As a followup to last post, I present Restless Housewives; a woefully unfinished lighthearted little lifesim set in a technologically modern setting (but with animal people), with some heavy nods towards Fall of Eden.

Don't expect too much content; there isn't much to do outside of the introduction, don't expect any unique events past the first week or so. There are no images except for the character portraits. Hopefully it will entertain someone for half an hour or so.

It's been a long while since I last worked on this (before I started work on FoE last year) and I currently have no plans on continuing it. It would still be interesting to hear what people think about it though.



Dude just give the project over to someone else and stop teasing us.


I keep coming back hoping something changed every year and every year it's the same. It sucks this game is dead would it have been nice to see where it went. I kept my pledge to keep me informed just in case there was an update but at this point I know there won't be any so I'm just canceling it, so I don't have the urge to keep checking back. Thanks for the game, Alder it was awesome I wish you luck in your future endeavors.