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Hey, I haven't posted in a long while now, but concerned comments from various sources tell me I probably should. I got sick for a longer period of time around February, and after that I lost steam for developing. Several intense periods at IRL work (one of which I'm in currently) and the entire Corona mess further complicated things. Me and my loved ones (some of who are in the risk group) are fine so far.

Long and short of it is that I haven't gotten enough work in to warrant an update, and didn't want to post "there's nothing", but in hindsight that probably only added more uncertainty. I can't promise when next one will drop, as it depends on changing IRL circumstances. Project will remain in charge-per-update as per usual.

If people are interested and starved for content, there is a very much incomplete side project game I started on before the revival of FoE development last year. I discontinued when I started working on the main game, and it's been laying around gathering dust since. It's a Twine SugarCube engine game that is tangentally FoE related, and is a more lighthearted and comedic affair with not too much content to it as of yet. If that's something people would be interested in throwing a glance at, I could upload what I have atm.  

Hope you are all staying safe, and that this post doesn't disappoint too much. 


Alexander L

Good to hear you're okay Alder. Hope you and those close to you stay safe in these troubling times. Be safe, be well, and hope this is all over for everyone soon.


Hey, huh... any news about the game?