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May strip?  It would be our pleasure.  

We literally, not ten minutes ago, made a few more simple games for Gabe's home campaign.  But this strip is more on the documentary side, theme-wise, it's just something that happened, so now I think he's trying to put in NON gambling games to dilute its power.  Although, the diving game I suggested him uses your supply of held breath as a kind of wager, so he may be in real trouble here.  

Today, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to finish the last bits of writing for Clank Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated.  It's about thirty cards worth of flavor text, and a final pass at what the game calls The Book of Secrets, which is a way of saying "Choose Your Own Adventure" without getting your ass sued off.  It's a boardgame where your character is a deck you build, a deckbuilder if you will, but there's also a story you traverse and the book is where your decisions happen.  Once I wrap that up, that's it for big projects.    

I genuinely don't know what life looks like after this work is done - between Clank and the Acquisitions Incorporated book, I've been in the red portion of the dial for so long that I'm not sure what the rest of the dial even indicates.  I have every faith that I will find some way to fill the time.  Oh, right!  Lexcalibur 2.  I'll finish that.  How do we like Lexcalibur II: Nextcalibur?  Is that anything?  

Anyway, it didn't take me very long to find something else to do.





Brilliant strip!


Maybe the titles should be like action movie series? Lexcalibur Lexcalibur II: Nextcailbur Lexcalibur III: The Final Caliber Lexcalibur IV: Generation Caliber ( attempts to reboot with children of the previous characters ) The Calibri ( Pretends IV never happened, brings back 2 of the original cast and publishes straight to DVD)

Aldo de Leeuw

Lexcaliibur, Lexcaliiibur. Then it gets a bit wonky, but at 10 you're back in the clear.


I ran into Jerry’s office, interrupting a meeting to tell him about this


Wow, Patreon....trying to print this page makes it look like the site had a Phineas Gage moment...or even better, a Harry Potter transporter incident...

Tim Martin

ROFL @ the comic!


Nextcalibur is too deep for me. I would prefer the Word in the Stone. Or, the Once and Future Noun.


Anyone get their 2019 CPA pin yet


Can't wait for the AI book to arrive, would be a huge fan of Nextcalibur as well :)


Would you also accept "The Once and Future Thing"?


Duplexcalibur, Triplexcalibur...