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Who said that October was the only month of horror? Here is November!! Now seriously, this drawing contains some anecdotes xD.
First of all, hi again guys! Here is the drawing of Juniper! And as you can see, this drawing will have some different versions of each other, not just the classic alternate versions, but some different outfits. The mummy and the cowkini are two, but I'm working on more things for her ^-^.

Is this drawing a Halloween theme? I'm not sure. The truth is that many months ago I had the idea of drawing a girl with a classic sexy mummy outfit, but as you know, I have to program myself for the drawings and maybe this version of Juniper would have been better last month, but for time, I couldn't. Here in Chile, November is considered a "dark", or "gloomy" month, so I think it's perfect, at least here hehe.

Beisdes, let's be honest. I don't know if only a Juniper drawing with three or four bandages would have been epic, I mean, I think it was missing something else. That is why I decided to do this type of drawing with different costumes for her. As I said, maybe they are minor differences, or maybe not, but Mummy Juniper and Cowkini Juniper are not the only versions, I am working on some more versions ^^.

Anyway, I hope you like it guys! ^^

>> next: alts costumes, alts versions and nsfw! 

>> next next: MLP manga outfit Seifuku Rarity, luster dawn and more surprices!! :D




Sexy a$$ Juniper 😘


Holy oh my... O//O


Wraps are very fun to remove from a girl. Though it's just as fun if they're just pushed aside a little. To be honest, I have no interest in Luster Dawn because she's not even really a character, and G5 inspired no lasting interest in me either. But I'm definitely down for more Rarity.


O Juniper es tu favorita, o es regalo adelantado de Diciembre por darnos tantos alts :DD se ve tan sexy en ambos o.o


Oh yummy. I’m loving picture number four best of all. She looks so good! Nice work! Can’t wait for Rarity, I’ve been interested in that concept since you announced it. I’ll also say I’m not inspired by G5, but I can understand why some might want to see it, so I can respect it even if it’s not for me.


Damn, I'm sure this mummy wants to feel alive tonight. I can help her with that~


haha thats right bro! XD. Right now I don't know if I have to add the Halloween theme to this drawing, but at least as costumes I guess it's fine XD. Thanks!


Thank you!! I'll probably make a poll, I don't know yet but it's an option that I'm debating with myself hehe. Sooner or later I would like to draw them ^^, but I still don't know. About Rarity, yes!! It will be a super complete drawing yay! (I love the seifuku clothes XD)


Muchas gracias bro! XD. Juniper en efecto es un regalo que Hasbro nos dió, asi que hay que darle el cariño que ella merece :D! Estoy trabajando en otras versiones tambien, pero como digo, quizas sean detalles menores o quizas no, pero lo hare para agrandar el repertorio de versiones de este dibujo :3


Yes, I understand and respect it. About the G5 ponies, I still don't know if I will draw them in the future, obviously it is within my long-term plans, but I think there are other priorities. Still, I like to hear your thoughts on this ^-^. Luster Dawn is a character I'll be working on after Rarity, I can confirmed this, but the G5 Ponies, I don't know. Like I said, I think there may be other priorities and other EG / MLP G4 girls that deserve to be drawn first. Twilight Princess (Not Sci-Twi), is an example XD.


haha omg! Exactly! The best thing will be to help her quickly huehuehue e.e!


Yay! :D I dont know about thanksgiving, but for Christmas, OF COURSE! ^-^ I will work on the Christmas theme very soon :)


You know Juniper's a film buff when she's still got a couple VHS tapes lying around! From the props, pose, and just overall setup, this looks to be a scene in the making - the kind where the film is for widespread consumption, but the actress is only for the on-set viewer's consumption!


Uh! What a beautiful mummy = ^ ɛ ^ =


AH! She could cosplay Rottytops (from Shantae), with the same clothes and accessories = ★ ₒ ★ =

Crawling Chaos

That under-thigh, SO REFRESHING!

Sour Power

My god, why is Juniper so Gorgeous?! I love this set already, especially the cow print, Suddenly I'm Thirsty! >:)


Yep a big file I was right


and you right! I'll probably be uploading the file all day, but it will be worth it xD


really? haha, thank you bro! Honestly I never imagined that they would like this Cowkini costume so much, the truth was a secondary costume, since the original idea of ​​mine was only to draw her as a "mummy" hehe. And that I still have some little surprises :D


yay! I also could take a little nap there, you know? XD thanks Crawling!


You just gave me an idea for a future drawing! :D .. like: "cosplay theme" with the girls, yay!


We know that Juniper is a girl who loves cinema and good movies. The VHS have excellent movies! But maybe she just invited us to watch them as an excuse for her true intention :O


yes! *0* ! I've never given girls a chance wearing cowkini, and it's actually a very common costume! :D


Juniper is the sexiest mummy that I have ever seen :)


Muuuuuuuu-y bien!