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Hi guys!! :D!
Im sorry my delay! but here is the final pic of both girls: Spitfire and Dashie Wonderbolts!
The truth is this is the first time that I draw this theme of "wonderbolts", mainly because it's something from the MLP series, not EG, but ... why not draw these girls in human versions too? Yes, I mean Spitfire, this is the first time I've drawn her, and I liked the final result ^-^! .. I definitely have to start making characters from MLP to EG ... ahem, Zecora, ahem, Luster Dawn ... ahem ... and many other characters! (Do you remember the poll that I did, and that you gave me ideas for other characters? Well, I'll start working on them very soon!!! *0*!)

For the background, I wanted to replicate this scenario: https://imgur.com/a/aarNND5 xD... I even tried adding the rainbow, but believe me when I tell you it didn't look good Dx .. So I eliminated that idea, but did I add the street with those landing lights.. XD .. I guess today was a long and hot training day! hehehe e.e

Anyway, I really hope you like it bros!! :D!

>> next: alts and nudes!

>> next next: juniper special, rarity MLP manga cover and more!! :D




Hello beauties. <3


Look at this pair...well, look at the pairs on both of them! I wouldn’t mind being in the middle of that. Very nice! Can’t wait to see your interpretations on more MLP characters in the future, Spitfire turned out great!


Qué bien se ve Spitfire. Cómo ella misma dice: es un nuevo récord de la academia. Dash no se queda atrás 😄


Woah mama 0_0 Rainbow Dash is looking fine! As for Spitfire, looking good! :)


thank you bro XD! Exactly, I also wish to be in middle of that pair of ... you understand o_o! And by the way, that bottle of water is perfect here! because the heat is unbearable XD


muchas gracias bro! Inicialmente iba a dibujarla con un atuendo mas formal (dibujo en solitario de ella), pero finalmente cambie de idea por esta, creo que luce mejor, y la idea de "atuendo formal" se lo daré a otro personaje *0*


thanks Salazar!! :D . I'm so glad to read this, first time with Spitfire after all :)


Those flight suits, so tight, so... aerodynamic. :) Great stuff! I think you've done great making Equestria girls out of MLP characters in the past (like Moondancer and Coco Pommel) and I look forward to more in the future!


Creo que si estaba haciendo mucho calor. Ambas se ven super sexys. Me gusta mucho la cadera y los hombros de Rainbow. <3


Clever. As long as they're zipped up for inspections, no one would know how...erm...out of uniform they are underneath their suits!


of course!! Moondancer in coming in a short term, I still have to think of a drawing for Coco, but Moondancer is on the way :D! And obiously, thanks Barri!! ^-^


OMG, primera vez que me encuentran los hombros bien jeje, es un detalle y partes del cuerpo que pocos notan. Muchas gracias man!! :D


And just wait for the alternative versions without that towel or goggles !! huehuehue XD. Thanks Colonist! :)


I love it. And I love Dash's alternate hairstyle. And I love how you EqD'ed Spitfire. :)


thank you bro! ^^. I hope I can do the same with future MLP characters (I will draw Luster Dawn soon ^^)


Absolutely Wonderful!! They’re so cute and hot, I cant wait for the alts!! ^-^


do you like rainbow dash, right? I can see your icon here and in Twitter :D!. Thanks Apex!! ^-^

Joshua Munoz

You did a great job on them both (Especially with Spitfire because I don't see much of her human counter part on fan made art work done this well, especially on a first try). they look beautiful and hot.


Thanks a lot Joshua!! :D With this work I can have the confidence to continue making characters from MLP to EG, it helps me a lot to practice! :D

Bentley I

Your Spitfire looks really awesome. In fact this is a great interpretation of Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash and Spitfire in EG Human style. 👏🏽👏🏽👌🏾


From their faces, it looks like another training is gonna start soon XD They even started changing their uniforms 8P


thank you Bentley! With this drawing I can start to working on other characters from MLP to EG in the future :)


hahaha XD.. Exactly! That bottle of water will be perfect in case of we get dehydrated huehuehue e.e


WOW! Really two SUPERBolts = ★ ω ★ =