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Hi guys!
While I continue working on the Starlight drawing, I would like to leave this poll to know what characters you would like to see in the future, I myself will add some names here, but you are free to write in the comments any character that I have not written in this poll XD..
Remember that after Starlight, the next drawing will be for Pinkie Pie and Sour Sweet ... the next next drawing will start with the characters in this poll ^-^

I also remind you that eventually I will draw all the characters, so please, don't worry if your choice only has 1 vote for example. Also, you can choose more than one option obviously. ^^ And please, not children characters like CMC or DT... i cant draw that for now :(

>> Once again: If there is a character name that I did not write here and you would like a short-term drawing of her, you can write it in the comments :D



Adagio!! A lingerie or bridal pic of her would be amazing!


LilyPad (the kid from the short Pinkie Sitting)


Siendo "loli" no lo sé (ya tuve serios problemas cuando dibuje a las CMC y tuve que borrar esos dibujos), pero buscare alguna forma de dibujarla ^^


oooh... Is that her name? sure, why not. Im gonna add her to my list (If I forget her, please remind me on deviantart or Twitter xD)


Misty Fly (From the wonderbolts)


Sci-Twi for me! I'm all for lingerie. If not, her swimsuit from Forgotten Friendship.


Eventually I would like to draw all the Wonderbolts.. i mean, why not? XD


I still don't have a clear idea of ​​the outfit that SciTwi would wear, but there I will see how I can draw her.. but in any case, im gonna draw her soon ^^


I'd welcome some more Juniper lingerie tbh.


Será posible algo relacionado con Daydream Shimmer?


Either WB RD/Spitfire or Lightning Dust, given I don't think you did either Spitfire or LD, it'll be really interesting to see you're interpretation for an EQG version of the two


I had been for a while thinking of suggesting to just draw the CMC as adults.


Oooh it's true! I already have their outfits in mind... the thing is that just by mentioning them, I panic because of what happened to me hehehe XD.. But I suppose that one day I will have to steel myself and draw them. It's something I've wanted to do.


yes.. this will be the first time that i will draw them xD (im (a little nervous for that hehe)


Maybe it can be a bit demanding but if Sci-Twi comes out maybe you could make it a remater of some old one that you have XD. o en un lugar donde no esperarías verla como una tienda de lencería XD


muchos me han pedido a Sci-Twi con lenceria jajaja, y la verdad no se veria nada mal *0*


As before, I wanna add Princess Ember 8D Or maybe even Zecora? (And yes, I know they're not from EqG 8P) There are many characters you never did before, so what about expanding your roster? 8)


I know, that's why I added some characters that I have never drawn before like L. Dust o Spirfire XD.. Princess Ember in human form? .. hmm... I would have to start by creating hair for her, because being a dragon, I don't think she is bald hehe. About Zecora ... I like it!!! and I can use the doll of her as a reference!!! *0* .. not bad bro!!

Sour Power

Melon Mint. #SupportBackgroundGirls


It would be great to see Moondancer or Coco Pommel again. And it's always nice to see Vice Principal Luna :)


Wait we can vote for multiple?


I’m always up for more Sci-Twi, she’s always got my vote! But I really like your work with Trixie, too, she’s a fun character and lots of potential there. Her personality lends itself well to sexy or provocative situations, in my opinion. Also, I’ll put in another vote for Juniper, as some others suggested. Actually just rewatched her episodes this weekend. She is definitely cute!


Also, I’d really like to see Sophisticata! (Had to look up her name) I feel like nobody ever talks about her, but she is probably in my top five. Something in like an office setting (truly “not safe for work,” haha) would be interesting.


UH! I think it is no mystery now who I voted for... and anyway I see that many agree! = ★ ˽ ★ = P.S.: but some adults CMC? They are canon in that form too = ^ ₒ ^ =


Hard to pick from the current poll, but I find myself agreeing with the current trend of votes in terms of the order to be drawn. If we can suggest other options in the comments, then I'll throw Vapor Trail and Luster Dawn out there!

Bentley I

Have you considered Minty in EQG form, if you want you can look at EQG Mini for inspiration. Also I would love to see Minuette.


hahah excellent! Eventually my intention is to draw all the characters in here, so no problem! Also, it seems Sci-Twi is winning, so I will have to start with her hehehe, and then depending on the votes, continue with the other girls :) .. obviously, I will add all the names of the girls that all of you have written here ^^


I'm gonna submit a write-in for Vignette Valencia.


no problem! hey, There is another user who would like another drawing of Gloriosa, so I already have a future drawing of her too ^^