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Hi guys!!
Here is the new drawing and it's for our lovely Starlight!
This drawing is very special, because when I started doing it, it was supposed to be a "remake" of an old Starlight drawing of mine (An special guest - Link of the drawing: https://www.deviantart.com/charliexe/art/EG-An-special-guest-793018368

However, right now I'm not sure if to call it a "remake", maybe it would be a "reinterpretation" of that drawing, or a sequel xD. The point is that drawing (from 2019) has aged badly, and I think that making another drawing with the current style that I have (and I want to continue polishing and improving), was perfect for her.
I am working to add other things in the alternate versions, but that is already a surprise that I will not go into details here xD.
Anyway, I hope you like the pics guys!  and PS: no bunny today!! xD

>> next: alternatives and nudes! :D

>> next next: Pinkie pie, Sour sweet and more! (new poll on saturday or sunday)




Holy beauty. O///O


Starlight is so cute and pretty!! I can't wait to see her alts!! ;)

A.F. Unknown

Starlight!! La segunda imagen esta hermosa 💖


muchisimas gracias! el resultado me gusto.. se que el fondo quizas no es la gran cosa pero quice intentar replicar el anterior, dandole algunas mejoras xD.


thanks Ryan!! :D .. Starlight became one of my favorite characters! And of course tomorrow I will start working on the alternate versions ^^


Aww, Glimmer sure is having fun on this cruise! Was her backside a little too flat in the old drawing, or was it something else with proportions/outfit choice? At any rate, I’d consider the wet shirt worn over a one piece to be an upgrade! Looking forward to seeing what change in situational context the alternate versions surprise brings us.


Looks awesome! You really have improved quite a bit in the last two years, from really good to amazing. You keep getting better. Another great example, really like this one. Great outfit choice, for sure!

Bentley I

She looks cute 😍😍😍


thank you Tim!! ^^. I really liked the final result.. It has been a long journey in all these years :D, and I am glad to know that I have improved! once again, many thanks!! ^-^


Thank you Colonist!! :D and exactly! Her butt was very flat, not to mention that the proportion of the body looks like a "flipped triangle" Dx .. I'll add the alternate versions of that drawing as well, just in case, to this file. Thus, they will be able to compare it in a better way.


So fucking gorgeous 😍


Starlight looking good while having fun on the cruise, I love it :)


thanks man! :D.. Indeed! I also took advantage of the fact that in some countries it's summer, I think it is a good idea to give them a "refreshing" drawing. XD


The rematerisations are always great, you can see how you have improved over time, it would be interesting to see your previous drawings with your new style no crees? saludos desde la tundra, me estoy pelando de frio XD quiero verano. =D


Muchas gracias bro! Exactamente, creo que esta es una buena forma de actualizar algunos dibujos de antaño, que han envejecido malamente. Lo tendre en mente para futuros dibujos que necesiten una actualizacion ^^. PD: pero que dices, si el invierno es lo mejor!! Aunque cada año es peor, no hay frio que valga, parece que el invierno ya ni existe por aqui, porque incluso en esa estacion, hay dias que hace mucho calor!! Dx


Basically in "An special guest" she's coming to the pool, while currently, she has put on her bathing suit and she's ready for the pool party = ^ ☐ ^ =