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Hi guys!!
oooff,,, I don't know what kind of study Sour Sweet is referring to, but I'm in!! hahah! It's not the first time I've said it, but seriously the Crystal Prep uniform is so cute! I'm honestly not a fan of the color purple (I really like blue), but even so, the variety of designs of this uniform is amazing, and it can be seen not only in the main 5 Shadowbolts, but in the secondary characters as well! :D

Today, Sour Sweet invited us to her house to study, but ... hmm, something tells me that we will not use the books o.o'' xD!

I hope you like it guys!!

>>next: alts and nudes!

>>next next: Sunset shimmer



Awkward Segway

This looks great! And I forgot to mention in the WIP post for this: I love the lip bite! I don't know why but I find that extremely sexy.


So Beautiful! 💚


many thanks Awkward!! :D! I'm glad you like the lip bite hehe. Honestly, it was a friend's idea, and I think it definitely looks very sexy and suggestive! Love it! :D


Looks like there's gonna be a lot of subjects to study ;D


Given what you know about your tutor, it would be in your best interests to be a good student and stay on her sweet side. She'll lay down a challenging cumulative test to see if you've really learned it at all, but who knows? You might enjoy it...or whatever she has in store for you afterward...pass or fail...

Sour Power

Oh Wow! She's gorgeous! Also, that lip bite claw hand! Rawr~ <3


Time to study Sour Sweet! Very, very, very thoroughly. I like her taste in panties. And the taste of... well. Anyway, at least I'm a fan of purple, and I think you made it look good. So long as I get to touch her thighs, I'm happy.


of course! We will have to be good students, and obey the orders of Sour Sweet! :D ,, Obviously we will have to pass the final exam!! *0*


haha for your name, of course you're fan of purple :D! thanks Twi! and yes, we have to study for her final exam! ;D


You can tell by the look on her face, this will be a very intense study session ;) Gotta get those A+ grades!


WOW! A cute tsunderette! = ° ω ° =


That is a nice panty shot : )