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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!!
Hey hey!! Here I already start to working on the next drawing, and it will be for Sour Sweet! However, I'm also working on Sunset Shimmer at the same time! Once I'm done with Sour Sweet, I'll immediately go on to Sunset ^-^ (it will be two individual drawings BTW),, Meanwhile, i hope you like the WIP..  im gonna work in this two versions of her hair :P.. Cheers!

WIP WIP WIP work in progress! :D




Multitasking with Sunset and Sour Sweet? Try to tired yourself out. :D


oh it will be individual drawings xD.. first Sour Sweet + files and then Sunset + files :)


Nice idea with two hairstyles. Which one is sour and which is sweet? Also, even if she looks sour on the outside, we all know she tastes sweet once you get her going...


Yay alternate hairstyles!

Sour Power

I'll be looking forward to this one! :D


omg xD.. well, both of them will be their versions! An user gave me the idea of a Sour Sweet with her hair style from the Friendship Games ... and hey, why not! :D


oh you like the different hairstyles? :O ..I will keep it in mind! ^-^


asi es! creo que ese estilo de cabello de los Friendship Games es muy lindo :D, no podia decidirme por cual, asique les traeré ambos jaj.

Awkward Segway

I like the two different hairstyles!


thank you!! :D .. and hey, I already have the Lighthoof and Shimmy shake references to draw them when their turn comes!! yay!


Yay!! Oh I was so happy to see this in my feed coming off from work.


u.u. la chica mala y bipolar. esto estará interesante XD


hooray! :D I'm glad that bro! this drawing will be special :D! I hope you like the final pic!! ^^


pero claro que yes! jaja! aunque puede ser agresiva a veces, puede ser muy dulce, por algo "Sweet" es parte de su nombre, no? x'D


A typical pose for a kitty cat = ^ ω ^ =