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Some time ago, many of you said to me: Charlie, a drawing of the Dazzlings in swimsuits! And the truth is ... yes, you were right. I had never drawn the three girls in swimsuits! Time passed, but your comments reverberated in my head: I liked that idea, and hey: it's always nice to see girls in swimsuits! So... WHY NOT!! :D

I really liked the result of this drawing, and well, yes, it was difficult hehe .. so I ask for your patience for the alternative versions pls :'). I really hope you like the drawings guys! ^_^!

PS: the "Cow bikini Sonata" is a gift... the real version is the first pic.

>> next: alts and nudes!

>> next next: Sci-twi, Sunset, Sour Sweet and the rest of the character from the poll :3




The Sirens were described as being beautiful and dangerous. I very much see the beauty 😍


I love the Sirens! They look really hot and sexy! And I love that Sonata is the one in the cow swimsuit, she's my favorite of the three :3


yay!! many thanks Vatobot! ;D .. yes, they are supposed to be "dangerous", but I would risk anything just to see them! <3


many thanks Ryan!! :3 .. I admit my ignorance on the subject, but I have seen many people on Twitter drawing girls in cow bikinis hehe ... I think it was a perfect opportunity now xD.


This turned out nicely drawn. :D


Oh my, looks like the sirens are in their natural habitat~


Nada mas que decir mas que absolutamente todo a la perfección!!!!💜 Para mi el tema de cowbikini /lenceria le agrega un toque mucho mas sexy a todas xd . Se ven super las 3 ^^ 👌🏼


Ooh, excellent. Good dynamic pose, attention to detail on the interesting outfits... and all of it on pretty girls. I couldn't ask for more. :D


yay! thanks man! :D .. I think it was time to draw the three girls together in one only drawing ^ - ^


heheh muchas gracias hermano! Creo que era el momento perfecto para dibujar el "cowbikini", por el año nuevo en donde se suelen dibujar chicas con ese tipo de traje jeje. Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado :)


Just imagine that Smoothie is the person who is there with the girls! :O !! heheh many thanks Stellarator! BTW, when I upload this drawing to Pixiv, I'll use your Japanese translation, obviously I'll give you credit for that :). Thanks again!


Sonata-Cow . . . WAWAWA = > ☐ < = At this point I hope you will do the others too = ^ ˽ ° = However the swimsuits with the fluttering fabric are lovely = ^ ω ^ =


Frilled bikinis, nice! Whether you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or whether you were caught staring for too long, it looks as though Adagio has decided to leave your fate to her underlings. Maybe she'll indulge in what's left over when they're done. As for the cow bikini, well, let's just say that the other sirens agreed to chip in and buy Sonata a swimsuit with a cow print design after they overheard the siren in question pondering the possibility of making her own swimsuit out of real, fresh leather...


me encanta me recuerda a los distantes dias de playa de hace 1 año ojala que funcione la vacuna y por lo que veo te has demorado mas en los detalles que en esas 3 no? los destalles de las gotas de agua junto con los destellos te quedaron excelente. Y feliz Año atrasado jajjaja


thank you Petardo!! I honestly didn't think you guys liked Sonata cowbikini that much hehe xD. I will definitely have in mind to draw more characters with a cow bikini very soon! :3


oh my goodness xD! .. thanks Colonist ^^. I like the idea that the girls caught us looking at their legendary bodies, and Adagio said to the girls: "that boy will be our prey... go" *0*


muchisimas gracias Raider! Efectivamente me tardé un poco más, uno de los factores es que son 3 personajes en un dibujo a la vez jeje, y logicamente cada detalle toma su tiempo... si me tardo pues pido perdon, pero no gano nada subiendo un dibujo rapido, si la calidad sera mala :( . Yo tambien espero que la vacuna funcione, el problema es que hoy salieron en las noticias que fallecio una enfermera que se habia vacunado contra el Covid, estan haciendo los analisis para ver si se contagio antes o despues de recibir la vacuna, porque no tiene sentido si que se haya vacunado, y fallecio a causa de ese bicho :/ .. Pero bueno, igualmente hermano, feliz año nuevo atrasado y espero que este año sea muchisimo mejor que el nefasto 2020 :') .


Aria calls dibs on me. I accept. I love the "one thigh-high" look on her. And really cute half-skirt look on Sonata. Dagi, too - and from a distance, her flower-print bikini looks like it's patterned in kisses instead... would like to do that for her, me. Still loving just how little Sonata's top covers. And thank you very much for doing Dagi's hair justice! <3

Bentley I

Nice work. Keep up the good work

Sour Power

Now THAT's a beach picture! :D Sonata and Aria look great with their hair down too.

Kevin Forte

Ya know, Aria's hand gesture and trollish antics right next to Adagio who's back is turned and is absolutely clueless got a good chuckle out of me. Was that on purpose?


woah! thanks man!! :D. I wanted to try something new on the girls ... I think that swimsuit style in Sonata looks really cute! As I had mentioned, I had already painted her swimsuit in red, but seriously, it did not look good ... definitely this color is better to her skin tone ^.^.. About Aria, If she were to look for her "prey", I would definitely be happy to be that prey hahaha. And for Adagio, really thanks ^^ .. you mean the shading tone and effects right? Tenically it's the same hair that she has in the series, except that I add the classic shading and stuff, you understand me xD. I'm glad you liked it!!


Thanks bro! Yes, both girls look good in hair down! I think this is the first time that I draw Aria like this (the original idea was to draw Aria with her two classic pigtails hehe, but in the end I changed the lineart :P) .. ^-^.. I'm glad you liked the image :3!!