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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!

Hey guys! Here is the new WIP for the next pic! today is the Aria and Adagio WIPs :). I must say I really liked Aria's current design, I think I was able to manage to accentuate her tsundere girl personality hehe xD.. I also like how Adagio looks, but the final judges will be you when I upload the drawing ^_^. 

I changed the color of Sonata's bikini, the red color did not look good with her skin tone. I hope you like the end result!





I didn't mind Sonata's bikini color tbh. I thought it matched her color scheme nicely.


But yes, I'll wait and see the actual art once it finishes before saying anything else.

Sour Power

Aria's doing that, "You're mine!" hand motion!


hehehe xD. I know what you mean ... I don't know why, but I really like drawing Aria, maybe it's because I like tsunderes haha *0*

Crawling Chaos

Mmm rather refreshing to see Aria all feisty while Adagio is being more reserved :)


totally agree with you ... sometimes we have to draw to the girls in a "different" way, but always keeping their personalities ^-^


You keep getting even better


Aria about to ara ara you, good, good. We need more "predatory" sirens like that. Though I like Adagio even more in this sort of "mood", and Sonata too, Aria's still good at it. Her, I, funnily enough, love seeing calm and soft - but being her rougher self is good too because Aria <3 Frowny judgemental Adagio is basically in default character too, so the pic kind of retains normal style in that sense. I see Adagio gets the red suit instead, that's fine by me. After all, I don't intend to see the Sirens in any sort of clothing for long... Looking forward to all the version as usual!

Kevin Forte

Sonata Dusk first. Adagio and Aria second. Well played.


Aria looks like she wants to tease Adagio = ^ ☐ ^ =


hehe that's right! Another reason for the color change of Sonata's swimsuit is to give it Adagio priority, her skin color makes red color look much better on her ^^ .- and I was not going to use 2 shades of the same colors in the girls :3 .. And yes, I must admit that, although I love them at three, for some reason Aria stole my heart in this lineart x'D


Aria looks so wonderful with that expression e.e! I love tsundere girls! <3