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Hi guys!
Here is Lemon Zest! Finally it was her turn to enjoy a good vacation! And she definitely enjoys them in her own way haha.

On the internet I saw that those banana floats are very fashionable O_o ... I don't know if there is any reason xD, but hey, here we got one for Lemon and she seems to like it!  And in the same way, I hope you like the drawing :) - Cheers!




Cool. And nice work on the background of them water splashes


Awesome work on this one!




I can see why the background took longer than Zest herself! She’s definitely having fun if she left her headphones at home for the day - especially if they’re the water-resistant kind!


jaja muchas gracias SigmaZero! (aun confundo tu nick con los personajes de Mega Man X e_e)


Photoshop helps me a lot to make these effects and particles in the drawings, it's something that I have added as time passed xD. I think it is worth investing more time to make the backgrounds look pretty.


This is exactly what I needed, fun in the sun with a pretty girl in a cute bikini :) I love it!

Sour Power

Lemon is always such a cutie!


hehe thanks Barri! I think the background and the drawing are in good harmony :) .. I'm glad you like it. Cheers!


hehe i know! I have one extra expression for her.. (current WIP xD)- cheers!


amazing work buddy. looking forward to the edits to this. keep it up


Adorable = ^ ₒ ^ =


Waaa!!! Se ve preciosa. Me recuerda mucho al de la tocino tambien en el agua, en el sentido que usaste elementos del fondo para enriquecer la composición. El personaje igualmente quedo de 10 y esa pose esta muy sugerente :P. Me encanto, felicidades nuevamente my friend, te haz consagrado como el santo grial para fanarts de las EG's XD.


jajaja omg, muchas gracias bro xD. Y mira que afuera tengo mis haters igual jeje, pero bueno alla ellos. Efectivamente quice dar un enfasis en el fondo, no solo recordar al de Sunset, sino que al de Sci-Twi tambien.. las salpicaduras y el efecto de las gotas transparentes y destellante del sol rebotando en ellas, es lo que mas tiempo me suele tomar en este tipo de dibujos, pero creo que vale la pena :) .. Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en el dibujo de Trixie y Starlight, y estoy probando un nuevo efecto de sombreado, haber que tal queda jeje. Saludos!