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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!

Hi guys! Here's the WIP from the next drawing: Lemon Zest! We continue with the theme of swimsuits for our beloved Shadowbolts <3-- (don't worry, eventually it will be Indigo's turn ^^) - The background of this drawing is being difficult, but I dont care Dx .. the drawing will be in the style of Sunset and Twilight, the details of the water and splash effects + sparkles and particles will play an important role in the drawing. I think the background is taking me longer than the character herself xD


>> About Patreon: "They're banning anime drawings?"
I had no idea on this topic, and I think it's very important to know it! (Thanks to the person who said me about this).

You can find this post on Twitter, which has many replies, and some of them leave you thinking.
As you know, my drawing style changed over time. My EG drawings are now a mix between cartoon (replica) and anime (more or less), so this should worry me?.. Patreon had already contacted me in the past (for Patreon, EG's drawings were minors, which to date I dont understand), due to that I had to change my method of the drawings and rewards. Since then, I have had no problems with the platform... 

Basically, the only thing I had to do is modify the Tier 1 and Tier 2 images on the side of the page. Thats all.

So, Dont worry, this account is safe ^_^ .. and I can continue with my EG pics :)
I will continue with the drawings that I have on my pending list and I will continue with my EG style. I have in mind suggestive drawings for some characters, but if they turn out to be too explicit, I will do the same as the "H drawings", so, once again, don't worry ^_^.

I have been complying with the Patreon guidelines and that keeps me calm, considering that the Sunset drawing is a bit suggestive, it helped me a lot to write that story and given it that context (because it was thought that way). The same with the last drawing of Fshy xD.




You can draw it anime-style if you want (although I like your current style). That's allowed. They're just saying that they don't allow explicit pictures of underaged characters. I think it must've been that Diamond Tiara pic that got you in trouble. And I think maybe also the Mane 7, the Shadowbolts, etc. since they're high-school-aged and a little more gray-area. Characters like Cheerilee, Celestia, Luna, Victoria, and Gloriosa should all be okay though since they're all adults.


It was the CMC drawing from last year xD .. Currently my account is in good condition, I will continue with the same drawing style that I have and I will continue drawing all girls (mane 7, secondary characters, teachers, princesses, etc). I send the alternative and nude versions via email, so there is no problem ^_^..


~Destroys the like button~ Se ve preciosa y yo adoro a Lemon Zest!!! :P. Tomate tu tiempo con el fondo my friend y esperaremos la version final :D


gracias bro! si el fondo esta resultando mas dificil que el personaje, pero creo que lo terminare para subirlo mañana ^^,

Sour Power

YES!!! The Best Girls series continues!