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The second siren is here! Although she is a little angry, maybe these places were not unisex after all >_>''

I am a user who believes that the backgrounds are as important as the character, that is why I try to give the best experience when I publish a new stuff. AAAND that's why I try to take my time to create a background as perfect as possible and gives context to the drawing ^_^ (I hope I'm doing it! x_x)

Anyway, i hope you like it!! Cheers!!t 




10/10 😍

Nicole Sunstone

Your backgrounds are amazing! :)


I agree with your statement on the background, this one is especially beautiful to look at :)


I guess when she welcomed us to the show she didn’t mean this one particular, huh?


so cute

Eric MikaFan C

She's gonna break the camera


No somos dignos!! No somos dignos de su arte maestro!!... Jeje lo siento estaba recordando el dialogo de una película pero en fin. WOW!!! Me dejaste otra vez con la boca abierta y si palabras my friend, esto es una obra maestra, felicidades!!! Es una ilustración excepcional


Se agradece muchísimo mi amigo el que decidas dejar como patrons only este increíble trabajo y no es mi intención decirte que hacer, sin embargo creo que este trabajo tan excepcional debería ser compartido en internet, como dicen por ahi "you're going to break the internet" o al menos al fandom :D. Bueno, es solo una humilde sugerencia.


Your time and effort put into backgrounds is much appreciated, worry not. Lovely girls are only better when they're placed in a good setting visually. Love her pose and expression. Suits her "tsun" character side so beautifully. Though I hope she'll have a certain "other" expression in alternates... that, and her hand is positioned so very well for that.


Too bad for her - now we're welcomed to every single show she'll ever give. Particularly nighttime ones.


Muchas gracias hermano xD! Oh pero yo no hago dibujos "only patreon", quiero decir, ya no. Este, y todos los demas tendrán su version para deviantart.. El reward de Patreon en este caso, es la mayor resolución, mientras que en dA obtendran la version standar pero en efecto, será el mismo dibujo.. de donde sacaste que este dibujo de Adagio será only Patreon? xD, Nada de eso, será subido a deviantat eventualmente, como todos los dibujos que hago :) (menos los H pics, o super explicitos, esos por más que quiera, no puedo subirlos a dA.)


Thanks Twi! and yes, I will make one more expression for her in the alternative versions ^_^..


Pues en el titulo del correo que llego cuando publicaste este trabajo decía "Hot spring with adagio exclusively for patrons only" XD


Oh, pues deduzco que eso es lo que Patreon hace cuando se publica algo nuevo... supongo que ellos envían automaticamente un mensaje de aviso cuando algo se publica aquí :O .. porque salvo que sean las versiones alternativas (Tier 2 y 3), yo no envío ningún correo cuando publico un dibujo de Tier 1 (que son los mismos de dA pero de mayor resolución). a excepción de los H pics, no puedo subirlos a dA, ni aquí y tengo que enviarlos por correo. xD. La verdad no entiendo porque sucedió eso, pero los dibujos de T1 aquí, seran los que se publicarán en deviantart (la diferencia es esa, la resolución de aquí es mayor) :D .


At this point, after Sunset, I'd also like to see Sonata in the "Hot Spring" setting = ^ ɛ ^ =


I love that you put effort into backgrounds, as well as other details. The whole point of this is that you are doing art of characters we know and love, that is also sexy, and that includes interesting contexts, as well as just generally looking pretty. If someone doesn't want that, they can just google "pictures of boobs" :P


hehe thanks Stellarator... As I said, I think the background is as important as the character in a drawing. That gives a "story" to the drawing ... I always try to let the viewer know "why the character is doing that". Logically, each user is free to give the context they want to the drawing. ^_^


I try to do the same. There is very little point on making a character just standing there.