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WIP WIP WIP work in progress --- AHA! 

May 17, that was the last day I drew this character: Applejack .. HEY! what the heck, there are Applejack fans and they deserve their waifu hehe xD .. It was thinking between two themes for AJ, but I think the theme of "Sweet Dreams" was much better.. the question is:  .. what will she be dreaming of? Hmm? (I will upload both expressions, so there is no need to "vote").. however, for the alts nudes.. maybe i will use the second one (closed mouth)





Just please don't make her dream of Rarity or something. I'm so tired of them being shipped every single freaking time. Nor Big Mac, for that matter. Would work well if she'd just be dreaming of something funny/cute in an SFW version (such as, say, of herself sleeping comfortably... sort of an "it's nice to sleep well" dream), and a good hard dicking in an NSFW one.


A cute girl that sleep, are so sweet = ^ ɛ ^ =


Such as dreaming of beating RDash in some competition that AJ always loses = ★ ˽ ★ =


Perhaps AJ dreams of floating on her back in a vast sea of apple cider? It could work in both contexts!


Dont worry, AJ's "dream" is your imagination. You can give it the context you want ... just like the users did with the Sunset drawing I made some time ago. This was the truth: On the pillow that AJ holds, I planned to draw Rarity or her male counterpart xD... The "ship" of Rarijack is canon ... in the Rollercoaster special they seemed "very close" friends, and on the Twitter of one of the developers of the special also made it clear that was intentional. Then they tried to fix that with the male versions... However: I think you're right. I will eliminate the idea of drawing Rarity on the pillow, and at least in the version that I will upload here (bigger, semi nudes, alts, etc,,), it will only be a white, or yellow pillow or any color xD.


Ah, that's fair enough. I personally always felt it best to draw things in ways that leave the "who is she with/who is she going after" up to the viewer's imagination and wishes. Even if there's a "shippy" version, I like it when there is one without, e.g. with a generic-coloured partner / anon pone or without one. That shipping is not at all canon, by the way. That was simply production crew staffers shipping, and trying to sneak their shipping into canon in an underhanded way, against and around the overall canon policy of no-inter-Mane 6-ships. Official staffers engaging in fan shipping doesn't make it canon - else we'd have to accept random shippy statements actors of major movies make for fun as canonizing their characters' various shippings. Or Lauren Faust tweeting, years after the fact, that she swears she designed ponies to be 12-year-old transgenders (she really did not, she just wants approval from the kind of crowd that likes that).


OOOOH .. well, I didn't know that.. O_O .. anyway, the "Rarity pillow" is eliminated in this drawing!. Thanks for tell me that ... I really didn't know it.


It's all good, of course - there's nothing preventing you from making a "Rarity pillow" version. We are fans, after all, and fans are allowed to ship; I personally don't do shipping at all, but those who like that particular ship might want it. Still, that's more work. Best just leave it up to everyone's imagination with a neutral final version, I'd advise.