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I had not drawn Pinkie for a long time! and finally her day has arrived!

"On a Saturday morning we receive a message on our mobile. It's Pinkie Pie! She says she wants to see us in a new city festival! (What's new guys, more festivals! XD).. Oh well, no problem. We arrive first at the festival, but as soon as we arrived, we can see Pinkie calling us. However, while she runs, she trips and falls to the ground!.. Quickly, we have to go help her! -Hey Pinkie, are you okay? -P.P.: Yeah hee hee, sorry xP.. We can't ignore the "good eye" we have here ... can we? O_O"

And that's it! This is the new outfit for P.Pie. As I saw, mane 7 will have new outfits for a set of future figures. Here is Pinkie:  https://imgur.com/a/i3LdO7a 

My intention is to draw eventually all characters with their new outfits :)

I hope you like it!! Cheers!




Ah, the "is that a skirt or shorts" game, my favourite! The artwork of the outfit suggests a skirt, which is all the tastier. Pinkie is pure love. Thanks for this one. In particular, you did very well on the hair - the smaller curls and puffs of it make it look so warm and touchable.

Nicole Sunstone

I didn't even know the girls were getting a clothing upgrade for the latest toy line. Looks good!


This is so great! Also, have you seen the new EQG short? There's a part where the Mane 6 are jumping and reminds me about your art. Maybe they were inspired by you, or not?


Thanks dude! I thought the same, but yes that is a skirt. I like the new outfit, however I don't understand why the shoes have to be of two different colors xD.


Yes, I saw the new short and it made me want to draw the girls together again!!. In fact, I plan on doing it with her new outfits :) .. Ahmm, Inspired by me? I don't think so, I didn't invent those jumps hehe xD.


Wow, I love all the colors and details of this pic!