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Pine Flesh

Featuring: Harry Potter, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil

Tags: Twins, Cunnilingus, Defloration

No dark lords, no murder plots, and lots of quidditch. It was safe to say that attending 8th year instead of auror training was the best decision I’d made since abandoning the Dursleys.

Life was peaceful for the first time in my existence. That’s not to say I wasn’t taking my fair share of knocks, though.

“That smarts.” I groaned as I rotated my sore shoulder. I’d taken a bad hammering from a bludger earlier today.

I had just the remedy for it, and it didn’t involve making a visit to madame Pomphrey. “Pine fresh.” I called out to the door guarding the entry into the prefect’s bath.

I wasn’t one to be honest, neither the head nor just a regular prefect. I wasn’t even the quidditch captain. I’d happily handed the reins to Demelza Robins, who was much more serious about pursuing a sporting career than I was. I found serenity and victory, seeking the snitch alone.

Either way, I had my methods of sleuthing out secrets. A password was nothing to me.

I greeted the mermaid swimming in her mural as I made my way to the extreme other end of the expansive pool. My favourite faucet was there.

My clothes were tossed in a haphazard mess near the towel rack. I left my wand and glasses just within reach at the lip of the bath as I sank into the wonderfully warm water. I turned the nearest knob and a torrent of Javanese patchouli scented water came thundering down on my aching shoulders.

My entire body and voice vibrated at the rigorous massage. “T-t-thats t-the s-s-st-stu-stuff!”

I planted myself on the underwater bench, spread my arms, and let the concussive therapy draw me into a light nap.

I don’t know how long it had been, but I was woken by the grinding of the stone door. The whispers that followed clued me into the fact that someone else had also fancied themselves a midnight bath.

More pipes came to life, drawing out the sound of my own tap with their burbling. I snatched my specs and put them on to see who my shower comrades were.

I spied two bodies. And what bodies they were. I knew I should have called out, but the swirling mists were doing such a good job, camouflaging my presence. It’d be a shame to put them out of work.

Their near identical, dusky skinned figured let me know immediately who I was peeping on. Parvati, and her Ravenclaw sister, Padma.

They disrobed without shame, clearly used to being undressed around one another. Parvati chose to leave her uniform in a pile, while Padma took the time to nearly fold hers.

Without a shred of fabric on them, it was difficult to tell them apart.

Both had that sultry golden-brown skin that glistened under the warm light of a Lumos.

Their breast were larger than I’d expected. I imagined myself cupping them. They’d be more than a handful and oh so soft with the way they swayed and wobbled with every minute movement of the girl’s bodies. They were capped with small, dark brown nipples that begged me to pop them in like a bite of sweet chocolate.

I took myself in hand beneath the water and began stroking till I was fully hard.

The only feature that set them apart was their hair. Padma’s was kept natural. There were waves and curls all over the place, in stark contrast to Parvati, who’d used glamour charms to straighten hers out to a sleek sheen.

Parvati had also shorn herself completely. Not a strand of hair had been left unplucked. Padma, on the other gland, had a thick bush of black curlies crowning her puffy lips. When she lifted her arms to tie her hair into a bun, I even spied a little stubble in her pits.

“You really should shave, you know? Boys don’t like so much hair over your puss,” Parvati told Padma while running her hand over the skin of her smooth mound.

I watched entranced as Padma carefully turned around and gingerly stepped into the water. The muscles of her quads flexed under her skin, her protruding ass jiggled above her voluptuous thighs.

Ravenclaw’s greatest treasure wasn’t wit or knowledge. It was the never-ending staircase the tower sat on top of.

“With how often you do it, your skin’s going to turn into leather.”

Parvati followed her sister in and gasped in shock. “I can’t believe you said that! See if I wash your back.” She pouted and shifted to a faucet further away from her sister.

“Then I won’t be returning the favour.” Padma just shrugged.

My preceding life, death, and subsequent resurrection had given a phobia for commitment and stolen most inhibitions. Quidditch wasn’t the only exercise I’d been getting this year. And I wagered I could get another round tonight

“Maybe I can provide a solution.” I made myself known to the oblivious duo.

Padma gasped and covered herself, while Parvati snatched her wand and brandished it in my direction. “Who’s there?”

I waded through the water. The mist dissipated as I walked through it. My fully erect cocked peeked just above the surface as it bobbed with every step I took. “It’s just me.”

“Harry!” Parvati relaxed. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen me naked.

“What are you doing here?” Padma stammered out.

“I was taking a bath. But now I’d prefer to do you.” I made my intentions clear.

Padma sputtered at my boldness and dunked most of her body down. Parvati giggled and threw herself into my arms. I marveled at the soft touch of her wet skin. She was firm, but soft enough that my hands sunk into her malleable flesh. I cupped a bared breast in one hand and pinched her springy nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

“I’ll…. er, leave you two alone.” Padma attempted to scuttle off like a frightened mouse.

“Stay.” In her mind, I knew she thought she’d be third wheeling. But I made it clear there was room enough for her, too, in this bath.

Her eyes widened like a deer in headlights. I caught her looking down at my swollen member that Parvati had slowly started pumping while tracing fluttering kisses down the line of my jaw. She bit her lip and looked up at me. I locked her gaze on mine. “Come closer, Padma.” I beckoned her.

“... Okay.” The light glinted off her floating breast as they bobbed on the water when she shifted over to us.

“Well? Make room for your sister.” I swatted Parvati’s bum to get her to back off a bit.

Parvati giggled as Padma took her place. Hesitantly, she reached out to me, but stalled her hands before she made contact with my soaked chest. “You can touch me all you want.” I encouraged Padma.

She finally set her cool hand on my warm, thumping chest. I sucked in a breath as she stepped even closer to me till the crown of my cock felt the soft brush of her tummy. “I can feel your heartbeat.” I got a whiff of the rosewater she’d been bathing in mingling with her natural musk. With a growl, I spun her around, forced my chest against her breasts, wove my hands through her mane, and dragged her into a searing kiss. I tasted her breath when she shuddered into my mouth at the sensation of our wrestling lips.

Water splashed as Parvati lifted herself out of the bath. “Shall I let you in on a little secret, Harry?” Even here, in this intimate situation, Parvati’s gossiping nature shone.

I noisily sucked Padma’s lower lip while pulling away from our kiss. “I’m all ears.” Padma desperately pulled me back into her face.

She circled a few feet behind Padma’s back and cast what I identified as a cushioning charm on the hard marble floor. “Unlike either of us, Padma completed her NEWTs last year.” She sunk to her bum on the now pillowy surface and spread her legs for my viewing pleasure. “She didn’t return for 8th year to study, Harry. My virgin sister came back because she wanted boys.”

Padma interrupted our necking and rounded on her sister. “Last year was horrible! Studying was the only thing I could do to keep myself sane.” Her voice sounded tight, her eyes were glazed, and her breathing was uneven. “Don’t shame me for making up for lost experiences!”

Parvati cackled at her sister’s indignation. She smirked at me with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. She jerked her head. I knew what had to be done. “Then let me give you an unforgettable one.” Suddenly, I tucked my hands under her arms, carried her petite frame up and over, and laid her back down on the cushioned floor. Parvati, in tandem, brought Padma into her chest and locked her arms behind her back.

Padma managed a squeal before my arms wrapped around her toned yet soft thighs and pulled her into my mouth. Her legs were hoisted over my wide shoulder, kicking nothing but air.

Her sweet smell, mixed with the musky scent of arousal, shot straight up my nose. My salivating tongue struck out and licked up from the edge of her wrinkled hole, up her dripping quim and to her pulsing clit. She whimpered, rolling her head back and forth in pleasure against Parvati’s shoulder. My fingers clutched her thighs tight and spread her open.

Her feet fell on my shoulders and tried to push me away. “Wait! I haven’t shaved.”

I made eye contact with her, dipped down till her sodden fur tickled the tip of my nose and inhaled to fill my lungs. The heady stench of her womanhood drove me near catatonic. “Just adds to your flavour.” I sloppily descended into her.

I roughly thrust my fingers inside her as my tongue lavished her nubbin. She moaned for all she was worth, thrashing in Parvati’s hold. It only lasted a moment, but it felt as if it was happening in slow motion.

She squirted her climax on my face. Her pungent smell grew as her quivering body released her brand of perfume when faced with my hunger.

Parvati dropped her shivering form and jumped back into the water. I shifted myself over Padma and nudged her knees apart. “Do it, Harry. Make my sister a woman!” She smacked me on my arse and pushed me deeper into Padma’s embrace. I looked at her for any sign of reluctance.

She was flushed. Sweat tickled her hairline as her delectable breast trembled on her heaving chest. Her knees wobbled. She slightly lifted her lips till my cockhead kissed her entrance.

I took the invitation and sunk into her most intimate place.

I pressed the weight of my body onto her and began thrusting. I grunted long and low, my eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head at the velvety grip of her sweltering cunt.

She screamed at the invasion. Her hands clawed at my elbow when my stroking hips rubbed her aching bud.

Through the haze in my head and the cacophony of whimpers swarming my ears, I drowned in the echoing song of grunting, moaning, and slapping as I stroked my thickness inside her writhing meat.

Parvati arched her chest onto my back. I groaned at the stiffness of her nipples as they tickled my skin. I suddenly released one of my arms, holding Padma’s jiggling thighs as I mercilessly pounded into her sopping core. I caressed my free hand down Parvati’s luscious body, raking my nails gently over her prickling skin until I brushed my fingers over her heated pussy. She choked back a gasp when I plunged my fingers into her, my wrists worked overtime drawing out the wet sloshing as I finger fucked her.

It was too much. The deepest part of my control relented, and I felt that last shock of pleasure race up my spine and seep into my bones. I buried myself as deep as I could go, and let loose spurt after spurt of my cum into her. Soiling her once untouched pussy, claiming it for my own.

The warm splash of another release drenched my groin. Evidently, the insemination brought her to another climax. The area where we remained connected turned into a mess that I never wanted to clean up.

Parvati bit my ear lobe and whispered in my ear. “My turn.”

I could only hope we finished before the morning showers commenced.


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