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Veela Dilemma Part 3

Featuring: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour

Tags: Public, Swimsuit, Voyeur

The beach would be safe, wouldn’t it?

The entire household was all dressed and ready to hit the sand, sun, and salt today. The kids especially were on the edge of wetting themselves in excitement at finally being able to put the Delacour beach front, their own private slice of tropical paradise, to good use.

And by kids I included George, Ron, Bill, and Arthur, too. Victoire and Teddy were in good company.

I would’ve loved to be included in that number, but I’d been rather quickly abandoned by them. We’d forgotten the quaffle back at the manse, so I’d returned to fetch it, but by the time I’d returned the five of them had grown impatient, scarfed down the entire stock of gillyweed and had gone diving.

I’d been left alone to the tender mercies of the women.

The sand crunches under my bare feet as I approached the line of sunbathing women.

In the five minutes I was away, the pristine beach had been polluted with a resort’s worth of towels, cushions, and parasols.

I stopped right next to Ginny’s head of flaming hair, my stride kicking a little bit of sand on to her laid out towel. “I’m guessing there’s no gillyweed left?”

She lifted her lean, muscular arm and waved her hand flippantly. “All gone.”

There was a good reason I’d approached Ginny first. Everyone and their mothers, literally, had let their puppies out.

All three Veela, my two maternal figures, and even my best friend had reserved no amount of modesty for my delicate sensibilities. “I regret not packing a bikini, like everyone else. Maybe I should ask you to transfigure my one piece?”

Ginny lifted her shades and shot me a teasing look. She knew very well that if I turned my head to either side, I’d catch a little too much of somebody I wasn’t prepared to see. “Please, don’t. Your swimsuit’s lovely.” I pleaded. I’d like to be able to look at least one person while I was talking to them.

Mercifully, Ginny took pity on me. “Oh, fine! Spoil my fun.” She sat up and gestured to the quaffle under my arm. “How about we go toss the old nundu skin around?”

“Please and thanks.”

By virtue of my purposefully narrow gaze, I examined every last inch of Ginny as she got up and dusted herself off.

Her quidditch training had been good to her. She was toned to a wonderful degree. Her muscles twitched and swelled visibly under her silky skin.

That wasn’t to say there wasn’t any fat on her. I stared, unashamedly, as Ginny’s backside bludgers bounced with every sharp swat she gave it while trying to wipe the stray grains of sand off. Inevitably, she caught me peering. But given her pleased smile, she didn’t mind one bit.

“Sorry, it’s riding up.” She hooked her finger into the edge of her suit, tugged it up even higher, disappearing every last bit of fabric in between her voluptuous cheeks. “That’s better.”

My vision was swallowed by the expanse of her fat, pale ass.

I felt the blood rushing south. I made a mad dash for the waves. “Last one in’s a death eater!” I’d cleared a good few meters before rising to full mast. The ladies would only see my back and not my flopping, rigid manhood.

“Harry!” Ginny’s musical laugh tang out across the beach. “Can’t wait to get me wet, can you?”

As I leaped into the magnificently warm waters, I began feeling like my relaxed vacation had begun. Even Ginny, for all her flirting, was perfectly content volleying the quaffle back and forth.

Hup! I was only just able to whack the ball back, a sudden wave robbing me of my balance. It flew high. I saw the gleam in Ginny’s eyes. I knew she was going to spike it. So I cheated.

Just as extended her arm out, ready to swing down, I dipped my hands into the salty water and sent it splashing at her. She gasped and faltered, her swing arm missed as her eyes shut, the quaffle fell and bonked her on her quidditch hardened head.

“Hey!” she protested.

A laugh bubbled out of me. I cackled with my hands clutching my stomach when Ginny floundered around in the surf. “That’s my point!”

“Will you two stop that racket!?” I looked over, Hermione, scolded from up the shore. Her breasts were covered by what she’d consider light reading. “If you’re going to flirt, do it where we can’t hear you. I’m trying to read in peace!” She pointed further down the beach, beyond an outcropping of rocks.

As I looked in the ladies’ direction, I couldn’t help but spy Gabrielle’s absence. But before I could think on it further, a warm body tackled me into the water.

The ocean swam up my nose. I rose quickly, coughing and sputtering. “Ha! That’s revenge.”

Ginny’d raced ahead, splashing and running in the ebbing shallows, headed towards where Hermione’d directed. “Fine, we’re going!” She called out to Hermione. “C’mon Harry, let’s leave these hags to roast in the sun.”

I cupped my hands around my mouth to project my voice. “Call me when Teddy and the gang are back.”

Hermione just waved at me and retired to her tome.

My pace was much more sedate as I followed in Ginny’s wake. I just barely caught a flash of glistening red hair as she disappeared behind the rock barricade.

I jogged and called out to her, “Ginny?”

All of a sudden, a pair of hands seized the back of my neck and the front of my shorts. I was drawn into a kiss.

Mmf! Her soft lips assaulted mine, her well salted tongue tangled my own. I yanked away. A moist squelch sounded when our mouths unlatched.

“What are you doing!?” I whispered, my hands cupped around her heated cheeks to keep the horny woman at bay. “Everyone’s right there!” I warned.

Her hands excitedly sunk into my shorts. She backpedaled and pressed her back into the block of pumice behind her and plucked my cock out. “They’re far enough that they can’t hear us.” She was breathing heavily. The red flush that painted her alabaster skin attributed less to the sun above and more to her simmering arousal. “We don’t have long. I need you to fuck me.”


She interrupted me with another hot snog. Shhh she hushed from the side of her lips, refusing to take them off mine. “Don’t argue with me.” She peeled the cloth covering her pussy to the side and rubbed the head of my engorged penis over her slick folds. The light tuft of orange fur tickled me. “I can feel how much you want me, too.”

Truth be told, I did. Us sneaking away, desperately crammed up against each other with the looming threat of being spotted be her family took me back to the night I lost my virginity to her. Fuck it.

Ungh! She groaned as I thrust up and glided effortlessly into her slippery tightness.

I slid in as deep as I could go. She pushed against me and rubbed her clitoris at my base, seeking that delicious friction on her throbbing nubbin.

Her nails clawed at my back, I sandwiched her against the stone. Her erect nipples poked my chest. She was panting so sweetly in my ear. “Welcome back home, Harry.” She moaned. I lost all restraint.

I fucked her.

I rocked into, and on top of, her with my full weight.

Her leg rose, leaving her balanced on one. Her rippling thigh locked across my hips. She clung on to me, squeezed the air out of my lungs, muffled her peaking voice into my sternum with a strangled gurgle as I forced her into an early climax.

I tilted my head back in pleasure and lifted my face to the sky. She smelled too good, looked too sexy. I needed to stave off my rushing end to savour her needy flesh longer. “Oh, god!” I felt a salty spray hit my face.

I urgently snatched the back of Ginny’s head and planted her deeper into my torso. “Al - oof - ready?” she asked.

I would have preferred if it was a premature ejaculation. What I was witnessing was much worse. Gabby, only half draped in my invisibility cloak, perched on top of the rocks above our heads, aggressively jilling her squirting pussy.

Guess I knew where she’d run off to now.

Thinking quickly, I plopped my stained rod out of Ginny. With a firm grasp on the back of her neck, I kept her staring away from the masturbating Veela, dumped her down to all fours and dropped myself between her spread thighs.

“What’s gotten into you? You’re being so rough with me.” She moaned. I felt her try to turn her head back to look at me.

I’d be dead if that happened, so I mushed her face down into the sand, bundled her hair around my fist, and sunk back inside of her weeping cunt. Aaah! She screamed, her voice drowned by the sand beneath her.

“You really missed me that much? I love it, baby!”

With a whip of my head, I glared angrily at Gabrielle. I swiped my arm, urging her to fuck off before she was seen. The minx just bit her lips, shook her head, and plunged two fingers into her gushing snatch and began fucking herself fast.


I buried back into Ginny’s ginger muff. I had to keep her distracted, and if I was about to die, I’d like to cum before the end.

Plap plap plap plap! I pistoned into her hard and fast. The loud slap of her thighs smacking against my legs, exacerbated by Ginny’s flowing juices. I focused on the hypnotic ripple of her immense ass that put the ocean beside it to shame with its waves.

“Oh, Harry. I’m cumming again!” Her body shivered and writhed as her clutching depths cooled and scraped over my thrusting manhood

Her legs gave out, she fell on to her stomach. Her thighs spread wide and lay limp on either side of me. I followed her collapse, determined to stay inside of her till I was done.

I enveloped her. Her body jolted up and down as I bounced on her jiggling ass. I drove deliriously into the sucking flesh of her volcanic pussy as it passionately begged for my release with every tightening clench.

I wanted to cum. She needed me to cum.

My thrusting lost all rhythm, devolving into pure speed and force as I spent every last ounce of my jism into Ginny’s cloying womb.

I landed on top of her, both of us struggled to catch our stolen breaths.

I glanced back. Gabrielle wasn’t on her perch anymore. Only a suspiciously wet mark on the otherwise sundried stone marking she was ever there.

I sunk my face into Ginny’s silky hair and inhaled her calming, familiar scent.

It’s time I dealt with that nymphomaniac Veela.


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