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Just a short release to close off an equally short 1 month dev-cycle. It contains 2 new special moves for Maya, a new method of item usage, potion drinking animation/mechanic, and a few basic reworks on the user interface/menu side of things.

Of note in the UI, the rather ugly control configuration screen has now become... well, less ugly and more usable, and the inventory screen now displays an actual belt, indicating what is currently equipped on our favorite heroine. The other changes are composed of a decent amount of bug-fixes, quality-of-life changes and assorted misc fixes (for more details, the change-log is attached at the bottom of this post, in a text file).

Speaking of changes, at some point in the near future there will be such an accumulation of systemic, under-the-hood changes that old save files might break... but fret not, because I've been automatically (invisible to players) importing save files from older versions into the new ones for a long while now, and I will continue to do so for your convenience, with some minor trade-offs here and there.

For an example, in this new version here I've had to rework the belt inventory system and potions, right? Well, normally that would break all old save files, but I check those outdated files and update them on-the-fly, with the small caveat for this version being that this will unequip the items from the belt. To be clear, you won't lose the items, you'll just have to equip them again and it is good to go.

I'd say that is a very minor inconvenience in order to allow old save files to continue to be used on newer versions as they are released, so I'll continue to be doing this for as long as possible. And in the rare case where you save file breaks after you copied it into the new version, just let me know and I'll fix the issue.

But there will come a time when I've changed the game's systems so much that a full "save wipe" will be necessary, and therefore old save files will stop working. I will of course give plenty of warning for when that happens, and even then, I'm planing to add cheat codes or perhaps a hidden debug mode, where players would be able to fully unlock the game's content, so this may be a non-issue.

On to a different topic, first I need to do a quick recap: when I released the initial version of MKM, I started with doing 1 month releases, which increased to 2 and then even 3 months on occasion. Now I want to revert trend that back to 2 months and then finally monthly releases.

This is due to me working much faster on the programming side of things when compared to drawing and animating, but also because since the focus will be primarily on changes to gameplay, I want to test, debug, iterate and gather feedback on those faster too.

With that said, there is still going to be new adult animation content coming for sure (the recent bad endings poll being the most notable), but those will come in short bursts alongside the shorter dev-cycles that I want to do, as opposed to when I waited to release all of them in one go for instance, after a 3 month dev-cycle.

So yeah, all in all I'm quite excited to work on the game's systems and I will be sharing and posting new dev logs soon!

Best Regards,



Vik Virtue

Getting into a better flow of things huh? That's really great to hear! Love me content drops, but I'm really excited for all the gameplay and structure changes you have in store for the future. The new potion drinking animation and inventory system are really nice touches. And I'm not really bothered by save wipes too much. Just means I get to play through the game again.


Cant wait to see the results of the polls implemented! Knowing you it'll all be great.

Lilly Anderson

Whoa! Didn't expect to get a new version this month! 🤯 *Clapclapclapclap* And working on the animations and gameplay overhaul in equal measures alongside one another is actually brilliant ❤️


Where can i find the 2 new Maya upgrades?


can we get a cheat to get all the upgrade orbs?


The ground pound spawns on the boss arena of the city (Champion Minotaur). The drill dash appears on the boss arena of the swamp (Mausolea Slime Queen).


Yes! Press the debug key F9, and it will give you whatever skills that you don't have yet.


Thank you

Karasu Tsuki

Love what ur creating here, I was blown away by the sheer amount of monsters and areas that are already fully fleshed out, especially considering this isnt even released yet, keep doing what ur doing!


So for clarification, are you doing a release at the end of September or October? Since you released 6.1 on August 30th I wasn't sure.


I want to go back to releasing 1 update every month, so if all goes well, the next release comes at the end of September. Smaller but more frequent updates.

Chibi Sifyro Chan

I don't know if its error for everyone or just for me, but item ui still show up after dead or enter bad ending.


I'm having some issues toggling the minimap. holding my camera key and then tapping x just seems to get maya swinging her sword.


Oh that was the old method, my bad I will update the README file. Now you can just hold the internal-view button, default "T", to toggle the minimap.